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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                   Water Volleyball                                                   Wine Appreciation (WAG)

         Water Volleyball is coming up fast! We're just waiting for the pool to   The year is flying by so quickly.  April will be hosted by Gloria and
         open in mid-April. We'd love to have you join us on Tuesdays and        Jerry Goldberg.  The winery is Hannah Nicole and the theme is April in
         Thursdays at 11:30am for a few games of fun. We have an 'open team'     Paris. The small plates will be prepared by the masterful team at
         approach in which we create balanced teams each day that we play and    Gourmet Garage.  Look for Sign Up Genius to reserve your spot.  Please
         may move players around to keep the games fun.                          note: we collect CASH only and no money will be collected at the door.
         For more info about our SIG (and recent photos), go to the Club website  I am happy to announce there will be a bus trip on May 9th to Casino
         (, log in, and find 'Groups' at the top row. All   Mine Ranch in Plymouth.  This is a newer winery with a big property,
         the groups are in alphabetical order. If you have any questions or would  which includes a huge patio and also a gorgeous lake.  They have a few
         like to add your name to our email distribution list, contact Dan Ketchum  pizza ovens so our lunch will be salad, pizza and a small dessert.  We are
         at                                                 putting together a poster that will be displayed the next time we collect
                                                                                 money for WAG.
                                     Wii Bowling                                 Next month when Sign Up Genius goes out, there will be spaces for each
         The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each          seat on the bus.  Once the bus is filled, there will be a waiting list.  It will
         month from 6pm – 9pm.  We have a lively, fun competition to see which  be first come, first reserved.   Stay tuned for further details as we get a
         randomly chosen team can score the highest average after playing a set   little closer to the date.
         of 3 games to win the night's prize.  We always look forward to         If you are not yet a member of WAG but want to join, please contact
         welcoming new members into our group and hope they will enjoy           Bonnie Pavri at (707)228-6255 or email at  Cheers!
         playing the game and socializing with their friends and neighbors.  If any           Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         residents have an interest in joining our group, please email your hosts,
         Barry and Diana Gray, at:                           Ye Olde Westpark Players present, “Casserole Casanova”.
         Our next game night is Tuesday, April 9th.  Dues of $5 per person, per   Please join us for a light and humorous take on relationships, friends and
         game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of $25 gift   life.
         cards to various local restaurants are awarded to each member of the    Mark your calendars now for performance dates and times
         highest scoring team.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for    Friday, April 26 – 7 PM
         April, starting on Tuesday, March 26th at approximately 6               Saturday, April 27 – 2 PM Matinee (please note new time)
         pm.  Reservations are required in order to play. Won’t you join us?     Sunday, April 28 – 2 PM Matinee
         The March event was “Mad about Wine”, and the featured winery was       Purchase Tickets for $5.00 at The Retreat
         KlinkerBrick Winery.  We brought Phil and Rich out of a very short      Monday, April 8, 10-12 PM
         retirement to host the evening.                                         Monday, April 15, 4-6 PM
                                                                                 Thursday, April 18, 1-3 PM

                    Join this new group… and play                                                    Help us raise funds for Homeless

                  Rummikub at The Retreat starting                                                          and Disabled Veterans

                Monday April 15th at 1:00 p.m.                                                        Help us combat Veteran Suicide

                        This is an easy tile game to learn.                         Donate old, worn, or even just slightly worn sneakers.
                     Questions: contact Cheryl Thompson                             Simply drop them in the barrel at The Retreat this April
                                                                                    through May and the Club Vets will take care of the rest.

                                                                                    Thank you for your support!

                                                                                    If you have any questions
                                                                                    about this fundraiser, feel free
                                                                                    to contact Rob Born at

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