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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                       Cribbage                                                        Hand and Foot, continued

         MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED                          plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 pm in order to draw cards
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  so that play can begin by 2 pm)
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from  Come join us and have some fun. If you would like to learn to play or
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.      have questions contact: Gloria Cordle-Borley 209-402-1933 or
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in
         a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the
         game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each                                Helping Hands 2.0
         others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan  So much is happening this spring, and we are so excited to bring you
         Uman. Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-8984.     these activities.
                                                                                 Our All Resident Meeting with Guest Speaker Iseline Annononio was
                                  Democratic Forum                               great.  She spoke to us about “What happens When Life Throws You a
         The Democratic Forum invites you to Meet and Greet Neva Parker,         Curve Ball?”  Lots of great information and discussion  with wine and
         candidate for Assembly District 5.  Neva is a dedicated Public Servant   appetizers too!
         and Community Leader with over 25 years of service to the people of     On Friday, April 5 , from 4:00-5:30 we will again be holding our Bevs
         California. She will lead with integrity, compassion, and a fierce      and Bites Happy Hour. The last one was so much fun and very well
         commitment to put community first. Currently, Neva serves as Vice       attended.   Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share and a beverage of
         Chair of the Roseville Grants Advisory Commission and volunteers her    your choice.  You will get to meet new residents, reconnect with old
         time with the Placer Food Bank and the Assistance League of Greater     friends, hear about upcoming Club events, and have a crazy good time.
         Placer. The Democratic Forum meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month  If you are interested in helping with the setup, please contact  Caroline
         at 1 PM.  All are welcome.                                              Crawford at   We will have a SignUp Genius for
                                                                                 you to RSVP for the event.
                                                                                 We are busy finishing the plans for our annual Spring Fashion Show and
                                                                                 Luncheon to be held on Wed., April 24 from 11:00-3:00 at the Timbers
                                                                                 Ballroom.  Tickets were sold on Monday, March 25  from 9:30-12:00 in
                                                                                 the café. Alternate date to buy tickets is March 28  from 10:00-2:00.
                                                                                 You can buy one or more tickets and reserve your table for up to 10.
                                                                                 You must fill out the Lunch Menu form for each person you are buying a
                                                                                 ticket for with a completed Menu Choice form.  You can invite people
                                                                                 who do not live in this community.  It is important that you have a menu
                                                                                 choice form for each member of your party.  We will take checks made
                                                                                 out to Helping Hands or preferably cash. Cho Cho’s will be hosting the
                                                                                 fashion show.  If you missed these dates, please contact Judy Panish at
                                                                                 In addition, we are asking for donations from the residents of this
                                                                                 community to donate to our ever-wonderful raffle.  You may donate cash
                                                                                 (we will buy prizes), give gift cards or gift baskets from your favorite
                                                                                 store or restaurant, or from your hair or nail salon. You may donate up
                                   Digital World Club                            until April 12   Please contact Julie Good at
                                                                                 for more information or to deliver your donation.
         The Digital World Club’s (DWC’s) next meeting will be held on           Please don’t forget to let us know if you know of anyone who is ill,
         Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 10 AM, in The Retreat library room.       had surgery or a death in the family.  We will send an appropriate
         The meeting will be a membership workshop, where we share hacks, ask  card.  Please email . She will see that a card
         questions, or talk about newly acquired devices. This is your opportunity  is promptly sent by one of our volunteers.
         to share your knowledge or ask for advice. Anyone might have the                                     Line Dancing
         answer, we’re all learning together, so let’s share! Feel free to bring your
         device for some hands-on support.                                       Line Dancing meets every Friday at 12:00 noon in the Wellness
         The DWC meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 AM,            Room. This is a choreographed form of dance performed in one or more
         typically in The Retreat library room. We take a break in August and    lines. We dance to many rhythms such as Latin, Swing, Polka, Waltz,
         December.                                                               Country and even an Irish Step Dance.  Join us for the "health" of it.
         Contact Rick Koehler for help 916-749-3022 or Email with any questions.
         Get on the DWC email list to receive information about our monthly      "Accept challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."
         meetings and general information about the digital world we live in by                                Mah Jongg
         checking the Digital World Club box in your profile.

                                    Hand and Foot                                MAH JONGG IS PLAYED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 1-3
         Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm   P.M. AT THE CLUB.
         until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who   Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with
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