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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Bunco, continued Club Trekkers
Cost: $5.00 per night, $15.00 for a 3-month punch card. All money The Trekkers will conduct a 4 day/3 night outing to Point Reyes, April
collected goes for gift cards. There are gift cards for "Most Buncos", 29th through May 2nd. We’ll be staying in Petaluma, and taking day
"Most Wins", "Most Losses" and the new "Flying Bunco Baby". trips to Point Reyes National Seashore for hikes. We’ll be finalizing
NOTE: If you want to be included on the Bunco notifications, contact me plans in early April. Trekkers will receive emails. If you’re not a
and I will add you to the list. ALSO, if you are on the email list and want Trekker and you are interested please contact Mark Moore at 408-375-
to be removed, contact me and I'll remove you from the list. 0383 or
Jan Frack408-425-8108, Bunco Coordinator Normal Club Trekker hikes will be on the first and third Tuesdays of
each month and the Saturdays immediately following those Tuesdays.
On the other Saturdays of the month we normally conduct neighborhood
walks. Two days before each hike or walk we send out an email with
details regarding the next hike or walk to members of the Club Trekkers.
Specific hikes may change if the weather changes, and trail safety is
impacted, but the dates will stay the same. April’s trails all have flowers
in various states of bloom, and the temperature is normally very
conducive to hiking. Some come on out and enjoy Spring.
4/2/24 Tuesday - North Table Mountain, 4 to 5 miles, easy/moderate,
4/6/24 Saturday - South Yuba River State Park, 4 to 6 miles, easy/
moderate, Bridgeport, and this hike takes place on the park’s SpringFest
Pictured left to right: Linda Largent most Buncos. Dolores Contreras most Wins. Lynn day, with docents, music, speakers and games.
Seaberg most Losses. Bunko Baby Jan Frack. Raffle Winner Sharon White. 4/13/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents) 4/16/24 Tuesday - Magnolia Ranch, 5.3 miles, moderate, Coloma area
4/20/24 Saturday - Monte Vista Trail, 4.6 miles, easy, El Dorado Hills
Our speaker at our March meeting was Pete Constant, President of the 4/27/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
Roseville Joint Union High School District (RJUHSD) and candidate for 4/29/24-5/2/24 Monday-Saturday, Point Reyes multi-day trip
a seat on the Roseville City Council from District 5. I think everyone in
attendance was quite impressed with Pete’s credentials as a prospective Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
City Council member. As a former San Jose police officer, he won a We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library. If you
seat on the San Jose City Council and served for two four-year have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
terms. He and his family relocated to Roseville where Pete was elected
to the RJUHSD where he now serves as President. His in-laws live here Club Veterans
at The Club. We hosted an interesting speaker on March 14th, the ex-Chief Deputy
What was even more impressive than his past experience, including his Sheriff of Santa Clara County, and then the ex-Chief Deputy Sheriff of
membership on the governing board of a much larger City (San Jose), Monterey County. 30 years of law enforcement should provide us with
was his grasp of the problems with which Roseville is some interesting stories? Our speakers’ name is Ed Laverone who is still
contending: homelessness, traffic congestion, huge developments active in law enforcement handling cold cases on a contract basis and
planned within and just outside the Roseville City Limits, all of which now a “Fellow” at William Jessup University.
will impact us here in WestPark. Join us for our next meeting on Thursday, April 11th at 10:00 a.m.
Pete was very forthcoming, answering every question and dodging
none. More importantly, his answers made sense and revealed a Cornhole
thoughtful, logical, experienced candidate for this important public Cornhole (also known regionally as sack toss, or bags) is a lawn game in
office. which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised,
Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 4th at 6:30 pm at The angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score
Retreat. For more information about our group contact Randy at points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag or to become a member of our group, contact through the hole (three points).
Alice at We establish teams each time from a lottery draw. We ask for $2 as we
use the funds for prizes at the end of the evening.
Club Crafters Weather dictates if we play inside in the Wellness Room or outside
Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join under the covered patio.
us. We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library. Dig out those Play for April will be on April 1st, 3rd, 15th and 17th. Monday play is at
unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I 1:00 pm and Wednesday play is at 5:30 pm.
guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. We would like to invite A sign-up email is sent out approximately one week before scheduled
new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and play. We have had great turnout so in order to give everyone a chance to
perhaps entice you to join our group. play, we ask that initially you only sign up for your first choice. Then
We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want. If you place your name on the wait list for the other day. If there is room for
would like more information about our group, please contact Dona Smith additional players, we will notify the players from the waitlist.
at (916) 771-8039 or email All new players are welcome!
April 2024 Page 9