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                                                                                                               Next ARC Meeting
                           Christina Gee                                                                    Tuesday, April 23rd at 8:30am
                                                                                                      Next Open Session Board Meeting
                           Welcome to Spring 2024.                                                        Wednesday, April 24th at 3:00pm

                           As the weather begins to warm up, you may be thinking about making
             some changes to your home and/or landscape. Please remember that any modification to your home or landscape requires an ARC applica-
             tion. Some applications can be reviewed and approved by Management via a FastTrack approval; all other applications will require review
             and approval by the ARC Committee. The regular ARC application has an area for FastTrack requests. If you apply for any project other
             than what is listed under FastTrack, the application will be reviewed at the next scheduled ARC Committee meeting. This includes changes
             made to your backyard. Although no one sees your backyard, ARC approval is required for any large-scale modifications, such as water fea-
             tures, over-haul of landscape, pool/spa, retainer wall, installation of new trees/shrubs, etc. If there is any uncertainty whether or not an appli-
             cation is needed, you may contact Management or proceed with submitting an application. Whether the project is small or large, it is always
             best to submit an application. Approval on record by the ARC Committee or management assists with any future questions or concerns by
             Boards of Directors or inquiring members.

             All ARC Committee meetings are held on the 4 Tuesday of the month at 8:30am in the card room at The Retreat. There is no meeting held
             in December. Applications are due, complete with any and all required photos or drawings no later than the 3 Tuesday of the month.
                                           Finally, please note that when you receive approval on your application, the architectural process is not com-
                                           plete. The approval means that you may commence with the work. Each and every approved application
                                           must submit a Notice of Completion (NOC) along with color photos of the modification when the project is
                                           complete. This is part of the CC&Rs and until the Notice of Completion has been received, reviewed and
                                           signed off on, your modification is incomplete. The last step is forgotten more than not and is cause for com-
                                           pliance notices to be issued.

                                As always, if you have a landscape maintenance issue, request or repair, please contact Management for assistance.

                         FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR
                                                                                     UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE               TIME
                          Shannon Van Every                                           Color Pencil Class              Wednesdays            3:00pm
                 or 916-771-7801          Spring Chalk the Walk           April 1st - 15th
                                                                                      Fred Moyer Concert              Mon., April 1st       3:00pm

            Community Emails  - if you find yourself not receiving                    Massage                         Mon., April 8th      12:00pm
            emails from The Club or a Shared Interest Group please check              Placer Vector Presentation      Mon., April 8th       4:00pm
            your spam/junk folders.  Emails that come from the HOA are                Bingo                           Tues., April 16th     6:30pm
            being sent to over 1,100 email addresses and email settings for the various   It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere    Fri., April 19th      5:00pm
            providers see it as spam/junk and are trying to protect you.  You may find   Sound Healing                Mon., April  22nd     2:30pm
            it helpful to create a contact for The Club in your email system… the
            address to add is:                        ARC Committee Meeting           Tue., April 23rd      8:30am
                                                                                      Shred Day                       Tue., April 23rd     10:00am
            Announcing an OPEN MIC NIGHT on Monday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m.             Community Potluck               Tue., April 23rd      5:30pm
            The stage is yours! Do you sing?  Tell jokes? Play an instrument?         Board of Directors Meeting      Wed., April 24th      3:00pm
            Have a skit with some friends? Let’s put on a show.  Sign up at The       Memoir Writing Workshop         Thur., April 25th     3:00pm
            Retreat and we will do a rehearsal the week prior.
                                                                                      Lunch Around Town ~ Leo’s       Fri., April 26th     11:45am
            Another new event is the “Club Olympics” to be held on Thursday, May      Pool Party                      Sun., May 5th         5:00pm
            30th at 2:00 p.m. It’s a game party at The Retreat. You will play         Open Mic Night                  Mon., May 13th        7:00pm
            abbreviated games of all the favorites here at The Club. Cornhole, Bocce,   Antelope  Jazz Band           Fri., May 17th        7:00pm
            Ping Pong, Billiards, and MORE.  Start practicing and sign up to play at   Trivia                         Tues., May 21st       6:30pm
            The Retreat front desk. Many thanks to our event sponsor: BellaVista      Club Olympics                   Thur., May 30th       2:00pm
            Landcape Services, Inc.                                                   Garage Sale                     Sat., June 1st        7:00am

                                                                                      Resident Art Exhibit            Sun., June 2nd        3:00pm
            Save the date - Community Wide Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday,
            June 1st from 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  This is the only time you may have a Garage Sale at your home. There are more details on page 6.

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