Page 101 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 101
Where to Salute
a. Outdoors – salutes are always exchanged between individuals and groups.
b. Indoors – only when required to report to someone of higher rank.
NOTE: Members of the Naval Service (i.e., Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) do not salute
when uncovered (no hat) even if saluted first.
Whom to Salute
a. The subordinate is required to initiate the salute to all officers of superior rank.
b. Cadets will salute all faculty and staff members awarded the rank of officer.
c. Officers of the military of all nations.
d. Accompanying the hand salute with an appropriate greeting such as, “Good morning,
sir” is expected.
NOTE: Only one salute is rendered if the senior remains in the area. However, conversations
begin and end with a salute.
When Not to Salute
a. When at work or engaged in PT.
b. Indoors, except when reporting.
c. When a salute is obviously inappropriate (creates an unsafe situation)
d. When in a formation, unless in charge of the unit.
14.5 Classroom Reporting Procedures
The following reporting procedure is optional for all MMI instructors.
A cadet section leader may be appointed for each class to check absentees, assure the classroom
is policed after class, and assist the instructor in getting cadets to their seats. At the beginning of
class, the section leader comes to attention and calls: “Section, Attention!” Then he/she salutes
the instructor and reports “Sir (Ma’am), Section _____, all present”, or “_____ cadets absent,” as
appropriate. The instructor returns the salute and gives the command, “Take seats.” At the end
of class, the instructor calls “Section leader, take charge of your section,” and may give other
directions, such as for rearranging the desks. The section leader stands at attention and calls,
“Section, Attention,” salutes the instructor, and directs the section to police the room assuring it
is ready for the next class.
When reporting to senior personnel, the following procedures apply:
a. When reporting indoors, the cadet knocks firmly three times at the officer’s door and
enters when directed.
b. The cadet approaches to within two steps of the center of the officer’s desk, halts, salutes
and reports.
c. While holding the salute, the cadet states, “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (last name) reporting as
d. The cadet will drop the salute when returned by the officer.