Page 100 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 100
When to salute
a. All personnel in uniform salute when they meet and recognize persons (even out of
uniform) entitled to the salute, except on public conveyances or in public places (e.g.,
depot, theater, air terminal, restaurant, or building). Recognition distance is saluting
distance, except when walking toward an officer, in which case the salute is rendered
six paces from the senior officer.
b. Salute when “The National Anthem,” “To the Colors,” or “Hail to the Chief” are
played. If in an automobile, dismount, come to “Attention,” and salute toward the flag
or the sound of music if the Colors are not visible.
c. When uncased National Colors or Standard passes within six paces.
d. On ceremonial occasions.
e. In all official greetings with an officer senior to oneself.
f. At Reveille and Retreat.
g. During the rendering of honors.
NOTE: When in a formation, only the unit’s leader salutes.
NOTE: If the right hand is burdened by carrying something, switch the item to the left hand and
then salute. If the right hand/arm is unusable (e.g., broken), left-handed salutes are permitted.