Page 95 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 95


               13.1  Absences and Tardiness

               Attendance at all classes is mandatory.  For a cadet to be excused from any class for any reason
               other than medical concerns, the Commandant of Cadets and the CIO (Academic Dean) must
               approve the absence.   Without the CIO’s  consent, the absence is unexcused.   The medical
               supervisor in the CHC  (Cadet Health Center)  must verify  all class absences due to medical
               reasons.   Cadets are excused from class for family emergencies, participation in an MMI-
               sponsored event, National Guard/Reserve drill, ROTC field training exercises, and verified
               events beyond a cadet’s control.

               Parents and  guardians have sufficient time  early in the  year  to  make reservations for
               Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring holidays.  Unexcused absences include airline-scheduling
               problems before  and after authorized holiday  breaks.   Cadets absent  from classes, including
               those immediately before or  after the holiday  period due to personal preference, family
               events/activities, etc., will not be excused from classes.   However, bona fide, substantiated
               delays will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Documentation (e.g., repair receipts, flight
               cancellations/delays) must be provided.

               Cadets will receive disciplinary action for unexcused class absences.  Cadets with an unexcused
               class absence will receive two study hall hours per unexcused class absence and restriction to
               campus until all are served.  Mandatory study hall will be conducted on Saturday from 0800-
               1200 and 1300-1700, and on Sunday from 1300-1700.  Three unexcused class tardies equate to
               one unexcused class absence.  Cadets in excess of four unexcused class absences are subject to
               immediate administrative withdrawal/failure from the class and receive the grade of “F” for the
               course.  An unexcused absence from any class is a serious offense.  Class work or tests missed
               because of an unexcused tardy or absence cannot be made up.

               Continued and obvious  disregard for the spirit and intent of the absence policy may result in
               withdrawal from the class and/or recommendation for dismissal from the Institution.  Cadets may
               appeal to an Academic Board convened by the CIO when dismissal from class is considered.
               Appeals must be in writing, addressed to the CIO and submitted within one calendar week after
               the occurrence of the first event (unexcused absence or unexcused tardy) following the
               fourth unexcused absence.  The Board will consist of the CIO and the Commandant of Cadets or
               their representatives, the instructor involved, other school employees selected by the CIO, and
               the concerned cadet.

               13.2   Academic Grievances

               A cadet may file academic grievances against a faculty member, administrator, or staff member.
               Written complaints should be filed as soon as possible after the alleged action took place and
               should be submitted to the CIO (Academic  Dean).   Actions on complaints will be taken in
               accordance with the Faculty and Staff Handbook.

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