Page 92 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 92
The Cadet Guard Duty Personnel will:
a. Notify the OC at 334-292-9690. If the Night OC cannot be located, he/she will notify
the Marion Fire Department at 334-683-6271 or 911.
b. Notify the Commandant of Cadets or the Assistant Commandant of Cadets. If
unavailable notify the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at extension 367
during normal working hours and after duty hours at 334-247-2664.
c. Ensure that cadets are evacuating the building and taking roll.
Senior Cadet present will:
a. Evacuate the barracks.
b. Have occupants fall-in for accurate roll call.
c. Have windows closed if possible.
d. Continue to conduct accountability of cadets.
The Corps of Cadets will:
a. Fall-in, answer roll, and proceed quietly and orderly to the designated holding area in
the best interest of safety.
b. Refrain from tampering with, damaging, emptying, or moving fire extinguishers or
fire safety devices. The penalty for this offense will be severe due to its criticality.
c. Know the evacuation procedures posted on each bulletin board.
12.6 Fire Drills
Mandatory fire drills will be held periodically. Fire drills must be coordinated and made a matter
of record. The Commandant of Cadets or designated representative will:
a. Maintain a record of fire drills held during the school year;
b. Coordinate fire prevention and evacuation plans with building supervisors; and
c. Work directly with the Executive Vice President, the CIO (Academic Dean), and the
CHC (Cadet Health Center) relative to the procedures and timings of the fire drills.
After notification, the Battalion Commander will form the cadets in the designated areas. The
Battalion S-2, along with Commandant’s Staff, will act as point of contact for fire drills and for
fire extinguisher inspections.
12.7 Inspections and Searches
Rooms, vehicles, and persons are subject to inspection or search by appropriate school
authorities. Rooms and their contents will be inspected on a frequent and recurring basis to
ensure the maintenance of high standards of cleanliness and neatness at all times. Locks on
footlockers are authorized to provide security for personal belongings. All possessions are
subject to inspection by the Commandant of Cadets or appointed representatives.