Page 87 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 87
11.1 Alcohol and Drug Policy/Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy
In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Marion Military
Institute has implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol
by cadets. The faculty, staff, and administration of MMI are firmly committed to the safety and
health of our cadets. The influence of alcohol and other drugs in the workplace and school are
detrimental to the Institute’s ability to provide a healthy learning environment. Therefore, the
importation, distribution, sale, purchase, use, or possession of intoxicants, non-prescribed
narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or any other illegal or controlled substance is strictly
prohibited. If a party exhibits behavior that would cause the faculty, staff, or administration to
believe or witness distribution or use of an illegal substance or alcohol, appropriate action will be
taken. These sanctions may include dismissal or expulsion.
Cadets are hereby notified of the Institute’s intention
to enforce this policy through testing and/or search.
11.2 Counseling Services
In-house counseling is available through the Counseling Office. All cadets may be assured that
protection of their privacy in any session will be considered a primary concern of the Counseling
11.3 Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy
MMI is committed to providing a drug-free campus and workplace environment. As an
institution of higher education, MMI has established a drug awareness program to educate cadets
concerning the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. All cadets are prohibited from importing,
manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing or using illicit drugs and alcohol on the MMI
campus or as part of any school related activity.
MMI will impose sanctions (consistent with local, state, and federal law) upon cadets who violate
the standards of conduct set forth in this policy. Such sanctions may include dismissal and/or
expulsion. In some alcohol related incidents, cadets may be required to complete a rehabilitation
program and provide documentation of program completion.
11.4 Drug Testing
All cadets are subject to drug testing and must sign an agreement of compliance with the MMI
testing policy. Drug tests may be random or individual. Random procedures will be used to select