Page 91 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 91

                                                SAFETY AND SECURITY

               12.1  Safety and Security Procedures

               Comprehensive Safety and Security Procedures and information can be found in the Safety and
               Security SOP.

               12.2  Defacing or Destroying Property

               Any  cadet who defaces or destroys property belonging to MMI or another cadet will be held
               financially  responsible for  the  damage and will face disciplinary  action  including possible
               dismissal or expulsion.

               This includes any attempt to carve or otherwise mark in a permanent fashion the façade of the
               Chapel or any other structure on MMI.  As historical landmarks, the intentional vandalism of
               these structures will automatically impose the strictest penalties.

               12.3    Firearms, Knives, Ammunition, or Other Weapons

               Cadets are not authorized to bring any ammunition or weapons of any type, whether operative or
               not  on campus.   Additionally,  cadets  are not allowed to store  firearms  in privately owned
               vehicles.  Such weapons include, but are not limited to knives (of any size), steel tip darts, clubs,
               spear guns, air pistols or rifles, nun chucks, slingshots, bows and arrows, crossbows, paintball
               guns, and other weapons.  Prohibited weapons will be confiscated and retained by the
               Commandant of Cadets’ Office. Possession or storage is a Category III offense.

               12.4  Fireworks or Explosives

               The possession or use  of fireworks or explosives of any kind, to include chemical reaction
               devices (such as MRE bombs) are strictly prohibited and a federal offense.  Disciplinary actions
               may include dismissal or expulsion.

               12.5  Fires or Bomb Threats

               The cadet or person discovering the fire will:

                      a.  Activate fire alarm!
                      b.  Alert all occupants of the building by shouting, “FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!”
                      c.  Notify the Marion Fire Department at 334-683-6271 or 911.
                      d.  Report the fire or bomb threat to the Commandant of Cadets’ Office during normal
                          hours or to the OC after hours by the fastest means available.
                      e.  Attempt to extinguish small fires, but ensure the Commandant of Cadets’ Office or
                          OC is informed immediately.

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