Page 93 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 93
12.8 Off Limits Areas
Cadets may not enter any off-limit area at any time. Certain off-campus establishments and
areas are subject to being declared “Off Limits” as circumstances dictate. A listing of these
locations will be updated periodically.
Off-Campus, Off Limits Areas:
a. The Cahaba River (unless on a MMI sponsored activity with a MMI staff or faculty
member present)
b. Oakmulgee Creek (Hwy 14)
c. The area in the vicinity of the Sprott bridge and State Highway 14
d. The alleyway between Jefferson and Green Streets behind the businesses fronting
Washington Street in the city of Marion
e. The Marion water tower
f. The “Hill” (off Thompson Street)
g. Barton’s Beach (unless on a MMI sponsored activity with a MMI staff or faculty
member present)
h. Junior Food Store Marion (next to the Marion Car Wash on Highway 14)
i. Any night clubs in the Perry, Hale, Bibb and Dallas County areas
On-Campus, Off Limits Areas:
a. Mechanical rooms, boiler rooms, storage rooms, and the attics and roofs of all
b. Kitchen and dining facility except during meals or while on official duty
c. Offices and faculty quarters
d. Any cadet’s room when the occupant is absent
e. Technology/computer control centers
f. The MMI administration building, staff and faculty offices, after hours unless
accompanied by MMI faculty or staff member
g. Behind the gym or at the softball field, soccer field, golf course, football field, or
baseball field unless a spectator or participant in an authorized student activity after
duty hours
h. Rappel tower/LRC/Obstacle Course without the supervision of MMI staff
i. Swamp fox facilities without appropriate supervision
j. Any MMI facility where the intent for the facility is to be locked and/or secured
k. In the swimming pool without authorization and a MMI-authorized, certified lifeguard
is on duty.