Page 125 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 125

Understands Penalty Hour procedures         ______________       _______________________
               Understands IT policies                     ______________       _______________________
               Understands social media use policy         ______________       _______________________
               Cadet e-mail is operational                 ______________       _______________________

               I certify that the cadet named has accomplished all the assigned tasks required for orientation and
               is recommended to wear the MMI Crest and be recognized as a member of the Corps of Cadets.

                                                           Last Name                                   Signature
               Cadet Squad Leader                    _____________________         ______________________

               Cadet Platoon Leader                  _____________________         ______________________

               Cadet First Sergeant                  _____________________         ______________________

               Cadet Company Commander           _____________________             ______________________

               Trainer, Advisor, Counselor (TAC) _____________________             ______________________




               For the food we are about to receive, we give thanks Oh Lord.  Bless our school and our families.
               Favor the aspirations of our Nation, and protect the men and women in uniform who guard our
               freedom.  Amen.

               NOTE:  Repetition of the Grace is not mandatory, but cadets are expected to stand when it is
               delivered in respect for the beliefs of their classmates.



                                                  Truth, Honor, and Service


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