Page 121 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 121
DO Delinquency Order
DRC Dinner Roll Call
ECP Early Commissioning Program
FFI Failure to Follow Instructions
GPA Grade Point Average
ITC Intensive Training Cycle
LEA Law Enforcement Agencies
LRC Lunch Roll Call
LT Lieutenant
LTC Lieutenant Colonel
MAJ Major
ML Medical Leave
MRE Meal, Ready to Eat
MS Military Science
MSG Master Sergeant
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NCOIC Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (Second ranking cadet for Guard
NET No Earlier Than
NLT No Later Than
OC Officer in Charge (Staff Member)
OG Officer of the Guard
PDA Public Display of Affection
PHs Penalty Hours (Also known as Penalty Tours)
PI Preliminary Inquiry
PMCQ Evening Call to Quarters (Mandatory study time for all cadets)
PMS Professor of Military Science
POV Privately Owned Vehicle
PT Physical Training
QM Quartermaster (located in the basement of Murfee Hall)
ROTC Reserve Officers Training Corps
SAP Service Academy Preparatory (Program)
SGM Sergeant Major
SGT Sergeant
SH Study Hall
SMI Saturday Morning Inspection
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SSG Staff Sergeant
TAC Trainer, Advisor, Counselor (a.k.a. Tactical Officer) (Staff Member)
WD Weekend Duty (Guard Duty Friday – Sunday)
WDB Weekend Duty Briefing (Guard Duty)
WDF Weekend Duty Formation (Guard Duty)
XO Executive Officer