Page 116 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 116
physician’s office, hospital, lab, pharmacy, or any other healthcare provider. Failure to do so
will result in the cadet being billed for these services.
Bed Rest Profile. The CHC Staff or the Physician’s Office may place cadets on bed rest. A
Bed Rest Profile Slip will be issued to the cadet upon release. A cadet placed on bed rest will be
required to stay in his/her assigned barracks room. Bed rest will commence when the CHC (not
the physician’s office) places the cadet on a bed rest profile. If a cadet is placed on bed rest on
Friday before an open weekend, he/she will be confined to campus until the morning of the first
day of classes.
Leave immediately following bed rest/quarters will be at the discretion of the Director of Health
Services depending on the degree of the illness if the cadet in question has been on bed rest the
previous day. The only exception is if the cadet must go for further medical care, which must be
approved by the CHC.
Emergencies. If any medical emergency occurs, the senior cadet or staff member should notify
the Commandant of Cadets’ Office immediately. If someone is found unresponsive, do not
move him/her. Call for help and stay with the person until medical help arrives. If a cadet is
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certified, he/she should assess the person and start
appropriate life saving measures. Cadets will be transported for emergency care and may or may
not be accompanied by another cadet or staff member.
Medications. It is recommended that cadets make financial arrangements with College City
Drug in the event any medications are needed. College City Drug Store will not fill any
prescription until payment has been received. Questions should be directed to either Paula Boyle
or Doris Nichols at (334) 683-6166. No medications will be delivered to CHC “cash on
delivery.” For cadets who take routine medications, it is recommended that their physician write
prescriptions with refills for all medications to be placed on file in the CHC until needed. It is
recommended that cadets who must have new prescriptions written monthly have their physician
write these prescriptions for each month of the school year and mail or bring them to the CHC to
be placed on file until needed. All prescription medications must be in the original prescription
bottle or container. Each medication must be labeled with the Cadet’s name, name of the
medication, dose to be administered, time(s) to be given, the prescribing physician’s name, and
the pharmacy name and address. If the cadet’s doctor provides medications, they must be
labeled as stated above. The CHC will not administer any medications that are not properly
packaged and labeled.
Cadets are responsible for keeping and taking their own medications. However, cadets can make
arrangements with the CHC to disperse medications. All medications whether prescription or
non-prescription, should be secured in a locked area such as a footlocker.
Medical Leaves. Cadets will receive a yellow Medical Leave form if their appointment is for
that day. Otherwise, it will be provided to the Guard House on the day of the appointment. All
medical appointments must be coordinated through the CHC by the cadet. Cadets who receive
appointments requiring an overnight stay will be placed on a Leave to be processed in the
following order: