Page 111 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 111
Cadets are expected to understand and will be sign a statement acknowledging they know,
understand, and will follow the standards pertaining to social networks.
15.4 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The CIO (Academic Dean) and the Registrar are the custodians of a cadet’s academic record.
The permanent academic record is defined as all completed coursework, grades, and grade point
averages. The cadet’s academic records paper file will include, at a minimum, the cadet’s
application for admission, college entrance examination scores, high school transcript, and
transcripts from other colleges attended (if applicable). A cadet’s request for the release of any
academic record information must be in writing. All academic records are kept in accordance
with policies set for by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as
amended, which is also known as the Buckley Amendment.
Per FERPA, the College may release “Directory Information” as defined by MMI, unless the
cadet informs the Registrar, in writing, that he or she wishes that the information not be
disclosed. Directory information, as defined by MMI, includes the cadet’s name, addresses
(home, mailing, campus, email), telephone numbers, class level, previous institutions attended,
awards, honors (including Dean’s List and President’s List), degrees conferred (including dates),
dates of attendance, names of parents, past and present participation in officially recognized
sports and activities, physical factors (e.g., height and weight of athletes), and date and place of
birth. A written request to withhold Directory Information must be filed with the Office of the
Registrar by the third week of the semester.
Additional information regarding student rights under FERPA may be found on the U.S.
Department of Education’s website:
15.5 Financial Aid
MMI endeavors to provide higher education for its cadets and to assist those who have
insufficient financial resources for the pursuit of their studies at MMI. The office of Financial
Aid is located in the Administration Building for assistance to cadets.
15.6 Financial Responsibility for Educational Costs