Page 114 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 114

obnoxious exhaust systems are considered excessive, and will not be permitted.
                              Failure to comply may result in formal disciplinary procedures through the Office
                              of the Commandant of Cadets.

               Liability.  MMI is not responsible for any theft or acts of vandalism to private vehicles.  Owners
               are encouraged to obtain comprehensive insurance to cover these.

               15.8   Reserves and National Guard Drill Periods

               Cadets participating in  military drill periods must have leave  requests validated through the
               Office of the Commandant of Cadets. All cadets must be prepared to provide documented
               evidence  concerning National Guard and Reserve drill periods.  Permission to miss academic
               classes must be granted by the CIO.

               If possible, it is requested that cadets provide a signed copy of their unit’s drill schedule or a
               letter from their commander to the Commandant of Cadets and the ARNG/USAR Liaison in the
               ROTC Department within the first week of reporting to campus.  Lying or deceit related to
               drill requirements is considered an honor and integrity violation and will be treated as a
               Category II offense.

               Cadets who request a medical examination to enter the Armed Forces or to undergo any other
               military testing or processing must present official documentation from MMI’s Military Science
               Department or a Department of Defense representative.

               15.9  Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

               Both Army and Air Force ROTC are offered.  MS I and II (basic) are required courses for all
               cadets except  those enrolled in  Air  Force ROTC.  MS  III  and  IV  (advanced) are offered to
               selected cadets.

               15.10  Bookstore

               The Tiger’s Den  Bookstore offers textbooks, supplies, health care products, uniform care
               products, and personal hygiene products, as well as an assortment of memorabilia.

               Textbook Purchases.   Cadets  may purchase books anytime  throughout  the semester during
               regular bookstore hours.  Books and supplies may be charged to cadet financial aid if authorized
               by the Financial Aid Office.  All tuition and fees, however, must be satisfied before credit may be
               awarded for the procurement of textbooks or  supplies through the Office of Financial Aid.
               Charging textbooks and supplies utilizing financial aid will be limited to specific posted dates.
               Textbooks not being used the following semester will be quickly sent back.  Therefore, cadets are
               encouraged not to procrastinate concerning purchasing required textbooks.

               Bookstore Buyback.  During final exam days, the Bookstore will buy back specific textbooks.
               Textbooks considered  for buyback is at the discretion of  Manager of Auxiliary Services.
               Textbooks  that  are no longer being used or  are damaged  will not be eligible for  buyback.

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