Page 120 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 120
a. Cannot be used during the academic day (0745-1600) except within the cadet’s
room or in support of Corps of Cadets-related requirements;
b. Cannot be used during PMCQ (1930-2130) anywhere;
c. Cannot be used between Taps and First Call (generally 2200-0600); and
d. Can be temporarily confiscated by the Commandant of Cadets or his/her duly
appointed representatives, as deemed appropriate, to maintain good order and
e. Cannot be used during Penalty Hours.
15.21 Voting
Cadets who are at least 18 years old and U.S. citizens are encouraged to register and vote.
Cadets may register locally at the Board of Registrars, Perry County Court House 0800-1630,
Monday through Friday. Residents of other states should register in their hometowns and vote
by absentee ballot. On Election Day, MMI will provide transportation to the local poll.
15.22 Dummy Rifle
If a dummy rifle is lost, the cadet must report to the Battalion S-4 within 24 hours of loss of
accountability of the dummy rifle.
15.23 Terminology, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Cadet, Military, and School Terminology, Acronyms, and Abbreviations include:
ACA Appropriate Civilian Attire
AMCQ Morning Call to Quarters (Quiet time for study use)
ARNG Army National Guard
AWOL Absent Without Leave
BC Battalion Commander
BDO Battalion Duty Officer (Cadet)
BSM Battalion Sergeant Major (Cadet)
C1 First Year Cadet
C2 Second Year Cadet
CDO Company Duty Officer (Cadet)
CHC Cadet Health Center
CIO Chief Instructional Officer (Academic Dean)
COL Colonel
CPL Corporal
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPT Captain
CRT Campus Response Team
CSL Coordinator for Student Leadership
CSM Command Sergeant Major (Cadet)