Page 74 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 74
iii. Referral to Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA). The Institute fully supports all
local, state, and federal laws. Violators of these are subject to referral to law
enforcement authorities for prosecution. Other disciplinary actions such as
dismissal or expulsion may be applied, as well.
8.5 Withdrawal. Cadets may withdraw at their own discretion at any time. However, a cadet
who withdraws while disciplinary action is pending is subject to disciplinary action at that time
and continued disciplinary review should he/she ever desire to re-enroll. The cadet’s departure
may be recorded as dismissal or expulsion at the discretion of the President.
8.6 Readmission. Cadets who are expelled cannot apply for readmission to MMI. However,
cadets who are dismissed, including those who withdraw while awaiting final adjudication of an
incident that would have resulted in dismissal, may be afforded the opportunity to apply for
readmission as follows:
i. If dismissal was alcohol-or-drug related, the cadet in question must complete an
MMI approved alcohol-or-drug rehabilitation program. The program must be
completed at the cadet’s expense prior to readmission and a certificate of
completion must be provided;
ii. Clear all balances with the Business Department;
iii. Write a letter to the Commandant of Cadets explaining why he/she will be
successful with a second chance and specifically what actions have been taken to
change his/her behavior;
iv. Be interviewed by a member of the Commandant of Cadets’ staff. The interview
may be conducted by phone
v. Be interviewed by the Commandant of Cadets, which can be conducted by phone,
if the initial interviewer is satisfied;
vi. Complete all paperwork required by the school for readmission;
vii. Be readmitted by the Admissions Committee; and
viii. Serve all remaining PHs before the first day of class.
ix. Be subject to periodic and random drug testing, if dismissal was drug-related.