Page 145 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
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9.12.2 The SuDS Management Plan                        Site management usually requires an element
                                                             of regular site attendance, often monthly,
      A SuDS Management Plan is a document that              which corresponds with most SuDS
      describes the development, the place of                maintenance. Occasional and potential

      SuDS in managing rainfall and can include              remedial maintenance should also be covered
      landscape maintenance. It will describe the            by the plan.                                          Detailed Design
      aspirations for the development and
      expected changes over time including any                  ■  Regular maintenance – SuDS visits should
      future expansion or redevelopment.                        be at a monthly frequency to match
                                                                everyday site management visits.
      The plan will provide a brief explanation of
      SuDS, how the SuDS infrastructure on the                  ■  Occasional maintenance – covers tasks
      site operates and the benefits of retaining               where the frequency cannot be predicted
      functionality of SuDS.                                    accurately or is infrequent.

      SuDS management will be explained                         ■  Remedial maintenance – covers work that
      including anticipated changes over time.                  cannot be anticipated or is a result of
                                                                design failure. Damage may include, for
      The management plan will include a Schedule               instance, rutting where unexpected
      of Work covering the following:                           vehicle access has occurred on wet

         ■  maintenance tasks identifying frequency             ground. Replacement of items which have

          of undertaking                                        a defined lifespan, such as geocellular
                                                                tanks should be covered here or
         ■  waste management requirements                       provisions made elsewhere.
          (including EA exemption)                                                                                 140

         ■  a pricing schedule for the maintenance
          contractor where appropriate with any
          specification notes required to explain
          technical details.

                                                   Design Note:
        Information in the management plan should be conveyed in a manner that is understandable
         to Site Operatives. Use of technical terms and unnecessary information should be avoided.

           The Maintenance Schedule and key plan identifying locations of key features should not
         exceed a double sided A4 which can be laminated and retained in the operatives work van.

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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