Page 147 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 147

Silt          Inspect swales, ponds, wetlands annually for silt         Site & SuDS    1 visit annually

       Silt          Excavate silt, stack and dry within 10m of the SUDS  Site & SuDS         As required
                     feature, but outside the design profile where water                                           Detailed Design
                     flows. Spread, rake and overseed.
       Native        Remove lower branches where necessary to ensure  SuDS                    1 visit annually
       planting      good ground cover to protect soil profile from
       Remedial Work

       General       Inspect SuDS system to check for damage or failure  SuDS                 Monthly
       SuDS          when carrying out other tasks.

                     Undertake remedial work as required.                                     As required

      9.12.4 Silt and waste management

      Silt and sediment removal is often considered          Silt management and removal from site
      a major element of SuDS management. In                 should follow the protocols set out in the
      most cases where SuDS features are located             SuDS Manual Chapter 32 p699
      at the surface silt accumulates slowly and can
                                                             SuDS vegetation green waste can be
      be removed easily. Management of silt                  managed in the same way as site green
      becomes more difficult and costly at the end                                                                 142
                                                             waste, either on site in wildlife piles, compost
      of the management train, particularly in               arrangements or taken off site.
      ponds and wetlands.
                                                             The use of composted green waste or
      Where silt has accumulated in SuDS
                                                             chipped woody material should be
      components downstream or the design has                considered for raingardens, bioretention or
      specifically included a silt collection feature,
                                                             any other planted feature on site.
      for instance in SuDS retrofit schemes, it is
      important to monitor silt accumulation                 Any waste considered to be contaminated
      visually and by simple monitoring.                     should be evaluated as set out in the SUDS
                                                             Manual Chapter 33 – Waste management
      Silt removed from most low to medium risk              p709
      sites can be de-watered and land applied
      within the site but outside the SuDS                    EA Regulator Position Statement 055
      component profile. The EA will not pursue an
      application for an environmental permit                 system/uploads/attachment_data/
      where the requirements of Regulatory
      Position Statement 055 are met.

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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