Page 84 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 84

Detailed Design  9.5.4  Calculation inputs

   Rainfall data selection

           Rainfall depths and intensities for a range of
           return periods and storm durations is one of
           the key calculation inputs.

           The choice of rainfall data can have a
           significant effect on the volume of storage

           FEH 2013 rainfall data is considered the most
           up-to-date data availabale and therefore
           recommended for use.
                                                                   FEH 2013 rainfall data can be sourced
           Where FSR rainfall values are used the
           designer must demonstrate that rainfall                 online at
           values are consistent with FEH 2013 data.

   Defining runoff coefficients (Cv)

  79       In extreme rainfall conditions the losses              Some modelling software packages contain
           anticipated from hard development surfaces             ‘Default’ Cv values (0.75 Summer, 0.84
           such as roofs or paved areas are anticipated           Winter) which assume that there will be 25%
           to be minimal.                                         summer and 16% winter losses from hard
           The designer must evaluate the runoff
           coefficient (Cv) for the types of surfaces             These default values should not be used for
           contributing runoff to the storage location.           storage estimation calculations.
           Sewers for adoption (Section C5.1)
                                                                  The designer must justify where a Cv of less
           recommends assuming 100% runoff from
                                                                  than 0.9 is used for calculations.
           impermeable areas which equates to a Cv of
           1.0.                                                   Where a reasonable amount of permeable
                                                                  surface contribution to SuDS storage, then
           Runoff coefficients of 0.95 for roofs and 0.9
                                                                  this should be considered within calculations.
           for paved areas would be considered
                                                                  The ‘UKSuDS’  website was recently updated
           acceptable by the LLFA where drainage is
                                                                  to allow input for permeable surface runoff
           not being adopted by a Water and Sewerage
                                                                  contribution within attenuation calculations.
           Company (WaSC).

           Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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