P. 37

Concept Design  7.4.2  Building the Management Train    ■  Source Controls: green and blue roofs,   7.4.3  Collection of runoff from hard surfaces  Concept Design

      The way that runoff is collected from roofs,
 A successful management train begins with
                                                             Surface collection in channels, gutters and
 permeable surfaces, filter strips, protected
 source control, and uses surface conveyance,
                                                             permeable pavements, or as sheet flow onto
      roads, car parks and other hard surfaces is a
 wherever possible, to link subsequent SuDS
      critical consideration in any SuDS design.
                                                             grass surfaces, keeps runoff at or near the
 filter drains, together with some swales
 and basins, provide the first stage of
 components in series. Integration of the
                                                             surface, enabling cost-effective and visually
      Conventional drainage techniques such as
                                                             legible design.
 treatment, intercepting primary pollution
 management train should be considered from
      gully pots and pipes, promote the
 the Concept Design stage and throughout
 and reducing runoff flow rates.
      concentration of flows and mobilisation of
                                                             Collection of runoff at or near the surface
 the design process.
 be preceded by source controls, and meet
      so that management of runoff at or near the
                                                             for simple removal of blockages.
 The management train provides potential for
 ‘interception losses’ along its whole length, as     ■  Site Controls: these features will normally   pollutants, forcing runoff deep underground,   also reduces maintenance costs, and allows
 remaining storage requirements.
      surface is difficult to achieve.
 well as through soakage into the ground,   Permeable surfaces will often store the
 evaporation, and transpiration through the   whole attenuation volume. Where the is
                                                             Highway runoff is intercepted using a chute
 leaves of vegetation. It also reduces the rate   insufficient storage at source, additional
                                                             gully and taken into a conveyance swale at this
 at which runoff flows through the site, and   open conveyance and storage structures,   retrofit SuDS project. Devonshire Hill, Haringey.
 provides treatment of runoff as it passes   such as basins and protected wetlands or
 through each SuDS component.  ponds, will manage remaining runoff
 volumes on most sites.
 Selecting SuDS components within the
 management train:    ■  Regional Controls: where it is difficult to
 store all the runoff within a development
 boundary, clean water can be conveyed to
 31   open storage features within public open                                                                     32
 space or other parts of a development to
 contribute to open space amenity.
 Flow Controls can be incorporated in green                    Permeable paving and planted open channels
 roofs to manage volumes and provide source                     collect runoff from hard surfaces at Bewdley
 control, transforming them into ‘blue roofs’.
                                                                                      School, Worcestershire.

 London Borough of Newham SuDS D & E Guide                                                     © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  London Borough of Newham SuDS D & E Guide                                                     © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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