Page 26 - Vasant Bahar
P. 26
OrdZ H$[a {O{dËdm AÞ ho nyU©~«÷&
CXa^aU Zmoho Om{UOo `kH$‘©&²&
OZt ^moOZr Zm‘ dmMo dXmdo&
AVr AmXao JÚKmofo åhUmdo&
harqMVZo AÞ go{dV Omdo&
Var lrhar nm{dOoVmo ñd^mdo&&
Today, kids eat in front of the television. It aff ects the
digestive system. How will the body react?
In those days, women of the house used to grind the grains
early in the morning at home. Our mother, grandmother,
aunties used to work together. We used to celebrate the festivals
together; there was no scope for any physical illnesses.
Women used to make curds at home. We all the children
used to feed the animals, clean the cow dung go to the
farms. We loved helping our uncle in the farm works. Family
taught us the value like hard work has no other option and
we should respect the elders. These values made my life. We
had our own land at Kaneri, Shirgaon and Valivade. But the
farms were dependent on the nature. We had cattles. We were
many people in the family. i.e: Grandfather- grandmother, six
sons, each son had their own kids. We were the kids of the
eldest son of the family. Being the first child of the family my
elder brother and suman sister were loved more. Women of
the house used to play Jhimma, Fugdi, Langdi etc. and men
used to play Lezim, Lathi-Kathi, Dan-patt a, Channi-Dandu
etc. We had a wrestling ring at our village. We used to play
Viti-Dandu, Hide and Seek, Lagori etc. those days were the
real fun of life. There was no pressure of winning the game.
Playing was a sheer happiness.
I don’t know the reason but me and my parents stepped
out of the house in search of a new job. I have done my 1
standard in the school of Mankapur Tal. Chikodi, Dist.
Belgaum. That time I unknowingly faced a fire. My body was
totally burned. But I was fortunate to get through the pain.
I was admitted in the government hospital for many days.