P. 13

A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            Law Enforcement Partners                            United    States  and  Foreign  Commercial Service
                 DOJ’s  FCPA  Unit  regularly  works  with  the   (Commercial Service).  The  Commercial Service
            Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate   has export and industry specialists located in over

            potential  FCPA  violations.  The  FBI’s  International   100 U.S. cities and 70 countries who are available
            Corruption  Unit  has  primary  responsibility  for   to provide counseling and other assistance to U.S.
            international corruption and fraud investigations   businesses,  particularly  small  and  medium-sized
            and   coordinates   the   FBI’s   national   FCPA   companies,  regarding  exporting  their  products
            enforcement program. The FBI also has  dedicated    and services. The Commercial Service maintains a
            FCPA  squads  of  FBI  special  agents  that  are   website  with  online  resources  to  help  companies

            responsible for investigating many, and providing   perform  due  diligence  on  markets  and  partners,
            support for all, of the FBI’s FCPA investigations. In   at:
            addition,  Homeland  Security  Investigations,  the   For  example,  Country  Commercial  Guides  provide
            Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigations,   market  conditions,  opportunities,  regulations,

            and the Postal Inspection Service regularly         and  business  customs  for  more  than  70  major
            investigate potential FCPA violations. A number     markets,  prepared  by  ITA  trade  professionals  at
            of  other  agencies  are  also  involved  in  the  fight   U.S.  embassies  worldwide.   Commercial Service
            against  international  corruption,  including  the   specialists  can  also  help  a U.S.  company  conduct
            Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,   background  checks  when  choosing  business
            the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and       partners or agents overseas. The International

            the  Department  of  Treasury’s  Office  of  Foreign   Company Profile Program, for instance, can be part
            Assets Control and Financial Crimes Enforcement     of a U.S. company’s evaluation of potential overseas
            Network.                                            business partners.   U.S. companies may contact
                                                                the Commercial Service through its website, https://
            Departments of Commerce and State          or directly at
                 Besides  enforcement  efforts  by  DOJ  and    its domestic and foreign offices.
            SEC,  the  U.S.  government  is  also  working  to       Additionally,  the  Department  of  Commerce’s
            address corruption abroad and level the playing     Office of the General Counsel maintains a website,

            field  for  U.S.  businesses  through  the  efforts  of
            the  Departments  of  Commerce  and  State.  Both   counsel-international-commerce  that contains
            agencies advance anti-corruption and good           anti-corruption resources and a list of international
            governance initiatives globally and regularly assist   conventions  and  initiatives.  The  Office  of  Trade
            U.S. companies doing business overseas in several   Agreements  Negotiations  and  Compliance  in  the
            important  ways.  Both  agencies  encourage  U.S.   Department  of  Commerce’s  International  Trade

            businesses to seek the assistance of U.S embassies   Administration  also  hosts  a  website  with  anti-
            when they are confronted with bribe solicitations   bribery  resources,
            or other corruption-related issues overseas.        index.asp.  This  website  contains  a  link  to  an
                 The  Department    of    Commerce    offers    a    online  form  through  which  U.S.  companies  can
            number  of  important  resources  for  businesses,   report allegations of foreign bribery by foreign

            including the International  Trade  Administration’s     competitors in international business transactions.

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