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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            and  legal  frameworks  are  consistent  with  the   phases.  The  Phase  1  review  includes  an  in-depth
            United  States’  treaty  obligations.     U.S.  officials   assessment  of  each  country’s  domestic  laws
            regularly  address  the  subject  of  corruption  with   implementing the Convention. The Phase 2 review
            our  foreign  counterparts  to  raise  awareness  of   examines  the  effectiveness  of  each  country’s
            the  importance  of  fighting  corruption  and  urge   laws and anti-bribery efforts. The final phases are

            stronger enforcement of anti-corruption laws and    permanent cycles of peer review (the first cycle of
            policies.   As a result of  the recognition by  other   which is referred to as the Phase 3 review and the
            countries  of  the  need  to  combat  corruption,  as   next is the Phase 4 review) that evaluate a country’s
            well as the significant efforts by organizations such   enforcement  actions  and  results,  as  well  as  the
            as the OECD Working Group on Bribery, a number      country’s efforts to address weaknesses identified
            of countries have implemented foreign bribery       during  the  prior  review. 33    All  of  the  monitoring

            laws and significantly increased their enforcement   reports for the parties to the Convention  can be
            efforts.    For  example,  in  December  2016,  France   found  on  the  OECD  website  and  can  be  a  useful
            enacted its  Sapin II  law,  which  significantly   resource about the foreign bribery laws of the OECD
            strengthened its existing foreign bribery legislation   Working Group member countries. 34
            and enforcement regime.                                  The reports and  appendices for all of the

                                                                phases  of  reviews  for  the  United  States  can
            OECD Working Group on Bribery                       be  found  on  DOJ’s  and  SEC’s  websites.    In  its
            and the Anti-Bribery Convention                     Phase  3  review  of  the  United  States,  which  was

                 The  OECD  was  founded  in  1961  to  stimulate
                                                                completed  in  October  2010,  the  Working  Group
            economic  progress  and  world  trade.  As  noted,   commended  U.S.  efforts  to  fight  transnational
            the Anti-Bribery Convention requires its parties to
                                                                bribery and highlighted a number of best practices
            criminalize  the  bribery  of  foreign  public  officials   developed  by the United States. The report also
            in international business  transactions. 31    As of
                                                                noted  areas  where  the  United  States’  anti-bribery
            June  30,  2020,  there  were  44  parties  to  the  Anti-  efforts could be improved, including consolidating

            Bribery  Convention.  All  of  these  parties  are  also
                                                                publicly available information on the application of
            members of the OECD Working Group on Bribery        the  FCPA  and  enhancing  awareness  among  small
            (Working Group).
                                                                and medium-sized companies about the prevention
                 The Working Group is responsible for           and detection of foreign bribery. Initial publication
            monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Bribery
                                                                of  this  guide  was,  in  part,  a  response  to  these
            Convention,  the  2009  Recommendation  of  the     Phase 3 recommendations and is intended to help
            Council  for  Further  Combating  Bribery  of
                                                                businesses  and  individuals  better understand  the
            Foreign  Public  Officials  in  International  Business   FCPA.
            Transactions,   and   related   instruments.   Its
            members  meet  quarterly  to  review  and  monitor   U.N. Convention Against Corruption
            implementation  of  the  Anti-Bribery  Convention        The United States is a state party to the United

            by  member  states  around  the  world.  Each  party   Nations  Convention  Against  Corruption  (UNCAC),
            undergoes  periodic  peer  review.    This  peer-   which was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly
            review  monitoring  system  is  conducted  in  four   on  October  31,  2003,  and  entered  into  force  on

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