P. 14

A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            More information on resolving  trade barriers can   more  than  $112  million  for  anti-corruption  and
            be found at:  related good governance assistance abroad.
            trade-barrier. 28                                        The  Department  of  State’s  Bureau  of
                 The Departments of Commerce and State also     International  Narcotics  and  Law  Enforcement
            provide advocacy support, when determined to be     Affairs  (INL)  manages  U.S.  participation  in  many

            in the national interest, for U.S. companies bidding   multilateral anti-corruption political and legal
            for foreign government contracts. The Department    initiatives at the global and regional level. INL also
            of  Commerce’s  Advocacy  Center,  for  example,    funds  and  coordinates  significant  efforts  to  assist
            supports U.S. businesses competing against foreign   countries with combating corruption through legal
            companies  for  international  contracts,  such  as  by   reform, training, and other capacity-building efforts.
            arranging for the delivery of an advocacy message   Inquiries about the U.S. government’s general anti-

            by  U.S.  government  officials  or  assisting  with   corruption  efforts  and  implementation  of  global
            unanticipated problems such as suspected bribery    and  regional  anti-corruption  initiatives  may be
            by a competitor.                                    directed  to  INL  on  its  website,  https://www.state.
                 The Department of State’s Bureau of Economic   gov/combating-corruption-and-promoting-good-
            and  Business  Affairs  (specifically,  its  Office  of   governance/, or by email to: anti-corruption@state.

            Commercial  and  Business  Affairs)  similarly  assists   gov.  In  addition,  the  U.S.  Agency  for  International
            U.S.  firms  doing  business  overseas  by  providing   Development  (USAID)  has  developed  several
            advocacy on behalf of U.S. businesses and           anti-corruption   programs    and   publications,
            identifying  risk  areas  for  U.S.  businesses;  more   information  about  which  can  be  found  at  https://
            information is available on its website, https://www.

            economic-growth-energy-and-the-environment/         transparency.
            of-commercial-and-business-affairs/.   Also,   the   International Landscape: Global
            Department  of  State’s  economic  officers  serving   Anti-Corruption Efforts
                                                                     There  has  been  a  growing  international
            overseas  provide commercial advocacy and
            support for U.S. companies at the many overseas     consensus  that  corruption  must  be  combated,
                                                                and  the  United  States and  other countries are
            diplomatic posts where the Commercial Service is
            not represented.                                    parties to a number of international anti-corruption
                                                                conventions.  Under  these  conventions,  countries
                 The  Department  of  State  promotes  U.S.
            government interests in  addressing  corruption     that are parties undertake commitments to adopt
                                                                a range of preventive and criminal law measures to
            internationally through country-to-country diplomatic
            engagement; development of and follow-through on    combat  corruption.  The  conventions  incorporate
                                                                review  processes  that  allow  the  United  States  to
            international  commitments  relating  to  corruption;
            promotion of high-level political engagement (e.g.,   monitor other countries to ensure that they are
                                                                meeting their international obligations.    Likewise,
            the G20 Anticorruption Action Plan); public outreach
            in  foreign  countries;  and  support  for  building  the   these  processes  in  turn  permit  other  parties  to
                                                                monitor  the  United  States’  anti-corruption  laws
            capacity of foreign partners to combat corruption.
            In  fiscal  year  2019,  the  U.S.  government  provided   and enforcement to ensure that such enforcement
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