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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            commercial bribery, 243   export controls violations, 244    false invoices to claim false offsets to its value-
            and  embezzlement  or  self-dealing  by  company    added  tax  obligations.  The  scheme  resulted  in
            employees. 245                                      material  overstatements  of  the  company’s  net
                                                                income  in  the  company’s  financial  statements,
            Potential Reporting and Anti-Fraud                  which violated the Exchange Act’s anti-fraud and
            Violations                                          reporting provisions. Both schemes also violated
                 Issuers  have  reporting  obligations  under   the  books  and  records  and  internal  controls
            Section  13(a)  of  the  Exchange  Act,  which  requires   provisions.

            issuers  to  file  an  annual  report  that  contains
            comprehensive  information  about  the  issuer.     What Are Management’s Other
            Failure to  properly  disclose  material information   Obligations?
            about  the  issuer’s  business,  including  material
                                                                Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
            revenue,  expenses,  profits,  assets,  or  liabilities
                                                                     In 2002, in response to a series of accounting
            related  to  bribery  of  foreign  government  officials,
                                                                scandals  involving  U.S.  companies,  Congress
            may give rise to anti-fraud and reporting violations
                                                                enacted  the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act  (Sarbanes-Oxley
            under Sections 10(b) and 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
                                                                or  SOX), 248     which  strengthened  the  accounting
                 For  example,  a  California-based  technology
                                                                requirements  for  issuers.  All  issuers  must  comply
            company was charged with reporting violations, in
                                                                with  Sarbanes-Oxley’s  requirements,  several  of
            addition to violations of the FCPA’s anti-bribery and
                                                                which have FCPA implications.
            accounting provisions, when its bribery scheme led
            to material misstatements in its SEC filings. 246   The   SOX Section 302 (15 U.S.C. § 7241)—Responsibility
            company was awarded contracts procured through      of Corporate Officers for the Accuracy and Validity
            bribery of Chinese officials that generated material   of Corporate Financial Reports
            revenue and profits. The revenue and profits helped      Section  302  of  Sarbanes-Oxley  requires  that
            the company offset losses incurred to develop new   a  company’s  “principal  officers”  (typically  the

            products expected to become the company’s future    Chief  Executive  Officer  (CEO)  and  Chief  Financial
            source of revenue growth. The company improperly    Officer (CFO)) take responsibility for and certify the
            recorded the bribe payments as sales commission     integrity  of  their  company’s  financial  reports  on  a
            expenses in its books and records.                  quarterly  basis.  Under  Exchange  Act  Rule  13a-14,
                 Companies engaged  in bribery may also be      which  is  commonly  called  the  “SOX  certification”

            involved in activity that violates the anti-fraud and   rule,  each  periodic  report  filed  by  an  issuer  must
            reporting  provisions.  For  example,  an  oil  and  gas   include  a  certification  signed  by  the  issuer’s
            pipeline  company and its employees perpetrated     principal  executive  officer  and  principal  financial
            a long-running scheme to use the company’s petty    officer  stating,  among  other  things,  that:  (i)  based
            cash accounts in Nigeria to make a variety of corrupt   on the officer’s knowledge, the report contains no
            payments to Nigerian tax and court officials using     material  misstatements  or  omissions;  (ii)  based

            false invoices. 247  The company and its employees   on  the  officer’s  knowledge,  the  relevant  financial
            also engaged in a fraudulent scheme to minimize     statements  are  accurate  in  all  material  respects;
            the company’s tax obligations in Bolivia by using   (iii)  internal  controls  are  properly  designed;  and

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