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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). These accounting   by  the  PCAOB  when  they  perform  an  audit  of  a
            principles are among the most comprehensive in      public  company.  The  audit  standards  govern,  for
            the world. U.S. GAAP requires an accounting of all   example,  the  auditor’s  responsibility  concerning
            assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses as well as   material  errors,  irregularities,  or  illegal  acts  by  a
            extensive  disclosures  concerning  the  company’s   client  and  its  officers,  directors,  and  employees.

            operations  and  financial  condition.  A  company’s   Additionally,  the  auditor  has  a  responsibility  to
            financial statements should be complete and fairly   obtain  an  understanding  of  an  entity’s  internal
            represent  the  company’s  financial  condition. 279     controls over financial reporting as part of its audit
            Thus,  under  U.S.  GAAP,  any  payments  to  foreign   and must communicate all significant deficiencies
            government officials must be properly accounted     and  material  weaknesses  identified  during  the
            for  in  a  company’s  books,  records,  and  financial   audit to management and the audit committee. 280

            statements.                                              Under  Section  10A  of  the  Exchange  Act,
                 U.S. laws, including SEC Rules, require issuers   independent  auditors  who  discover  an  illegal
            to  undergo  an  annual  external  audit  of  their   act,  such  as  the  payment  of  bribes  to  domestic
            financial  statements  and  to  make  those  audited   or  foreign  government  officials,  have  certain
            financial  statements  available  to  the  public  by   obligations in connection with their audits of public

            filing them with SEC. SEC Rules and the rules and   companies. 281     Generally,  Section  10A  requires
            standards issued by the Public Company Accounting   auditors who become aware of illegal acts to report
            Oversight  Board  (PCAOB)  under  SEC  oversight,   such acts to appropriate levels within the company
            require external auditors to be independent of the   and, if the company fails to take appropriate action,
            companies that they audit. Independent auditors     to notify SEC.
            must comply with the rules and standards set forth

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