Page 3 - Racism Cuts Both Ways
P. 3
“Whites Suffer Increasing Racism” -
Housing: “No dogs. No Whites!” A Government Survey Examined
Many of the greatest injustices A Government survey of 15,000 police, prisons, courts, Crown
inflicted upon the majority community people, ordered by Communities Prosecution Service, probation
under the multi-cult are in no way the Secretary Hazel Blears, has revealed service, local housing organisations,
fault of immigrants themselves. The for the first time just how much racial schools or GPs. The true figure is
problem is the attitude of the ruling Why Should Immigrants discrimination is experienced by almost certainly much higher, but
political elite. One of the worst Have the Monopoly on white British people. The survey several decades of brow-beating,
examples of this is housing policy. found that a growing number of white liberal-left propaganda and police
Housing? people are the victims of racial bullying have left millions of ordinary
The full text of the ‘secret’ Revised If a British family (including settled prejudice and racial discrimination, decent people afraid to speak out
Tenancy Agreement can be seen at members of earlier immigrant groups) both in the workplace and in their against anti-white racism for fear of lose their home because they can’t communities. being accused of being racist
pdf_files/ afford to pay the mortgage or the themselves.
rent, they are regarded as Almost one in three of those
‘intentionally homeless’. They are surveyed, 29 per cent, said that they Whites identified council housing
therefore not entitled to council now expected to be treated worse departments or housing associations
accommodation. than other racial groups by key public as the most likely organisations to
The BNP services. This represents almost discriminate against them. The fact
Would House Even people who are entitled to twenty million people. The survey that council housing is refused to
British People social housing often have to wait for also revealed that the number of homeless white families living in sub-
years, living in cramped conditions or whites who have been refused a job standard bed and breakfast
sleeping on friends’ or relatives’ in full on its website they were or discriminated against at work for accommodation in favour of so-called
floors because there are not enough exposed once again as liars. reasons of race has doubled in the ‘asylum seekers’ and immigrants,
houses to go round. last five years, according to the means that this form of racism is now Three detailed statistical analysis
The full list of what every asylum- Government study. endemic across the country. reports, Analysis of Racist Crimes
But asylum-seekers who have come seeker gets at our expense is the of Violence, A Preliminary Study of
through a dozen safe countries to get envy not just of homeless ex- Seven per cent of white people The race relations industry in the the Ministry of Justice Document:
to Soft Touch Britain don’t have any servicemen or people stuck on responding to the survey believed name of anti-racism, has created the ‘Statistics on Race and the
such problems. Whether they’ve left housing waiting lists, but also of the that they had failed to win a most racist society in British history. Criminal Justice System’ and
behind a mud hut or a warlord’s millions of pensioners and poor promotion because of their race, up After decades of constant surrender Ethnicity and the Experience of
palace, they are all entitled to top families now shivering in fuel poverty. from three per cent in 2003. This to the demands of the race relations Crime in England & Wales, are
quality housing at British taxpayers’ It includes heating, lighting, water represents a rise of over 130% in profiteers, Britain is now a nation available in full at
expense. and even ‘phone bills, brand new such incidents. Over the same five where all forms of racism are
kitchen equipment and full years the number of white people considered intolerable - except if the othways/?page_id=171
For years, MPs and councillors from furnishings in every room. All repairs complaining that they had been victim of the racism has a white skin
all the main parties pretended this have to be carried out within seven turned down for a job because of and speaks English as their mother
wasn’t true, even though thousands days and the double-glazed windows their ethnicity increased three-fold. tongue.
of people - including council building have to be cleaned every twelve
workers, retailers, deliverymen and weeks. 58% of white people now believe
neighbours - had seen it with their there is more racial prejudice now
very own eyes. You can see in the document online, than five years ago, compared to 44
they even get their colour TV licence per cent back in 2001. This is a far The BNP
Then a senior council official who paid. More British women are in higher figure than for any other ethnic Campaign
was disgusted at what was going on prison for non-payment of the BBC’s group and highlights the bitter Against
risked imprisonment under the licence fee than for any other ‘crime’, experience of indigenous 'Brits' as
Official Secrets Act to leak a copy of but thanks to the other parties no second class citizens in their own Racist
the Home Office Tenancy Agreement asylum-seeker ever has to pay. Yet country. Violence
with companies providing another case of blatant racial
accommodation for asylum-seekers. discrimination against the majority Nearly one third of white people have
At first the Labour government tried community and longer-established learnt to expect to be treated worse
to claim that the document didn’t immigrant groups who obey the law than other groups by at least one of
exist, but when the BNP published it and pay their way. eight public services, including the
04 Racism Cuts Both Ways Racism Cuts Both Ways 05