Page 5 - Racism Cuts Both Ways
P. 5

Racist ‘Grooming’                                         Racist Murder -

                                            What It Is - and How to Stop It                                                     The Shocking Truth

                                             “It starts with one of them leaning out   All ethnic groups contain paedophiles                                        Relations’ own criteria for what
                                             of a car window and saying how     - sexual perverts who target children,                                              constitutes a racist killing were then
                                             pretty a girl is as she walks home   generally by ‘grooming’ them with                                                 applied to a list of cases with
                                             from school. They pick ones they   presents, and then have sex with                                                    indigenous victims, collated from
                                             think look vulnerable - younger, plain-  them. But in most communities these                                           extensive surveys of the local
                                             looking, walking home alone. Then   sickos operate alone, ashamed of                                                   newspapers which are the only
                                             they offer her a cigarette. Then one   what they do.                                                                   places where such killings are
                                             of the ‘lads’ (they pretend to be                                                                                      generally reported.
                                             seventeen but are often in their   One community, however, is different.
                                             twenties) asks her to exchange     Wherever there are large numbers of                                                 The result was truly shocking - 142
                                             mobile numbers and meet more       young Muslim men, groups of them                                                    white victims of racist homicide. The
                                             often. Then it’s a miniature bottle of   team up to lure girls - often as young                                        crime ratio should be equal to the
                                             vodka or a cheap bit of jewellery as a   as twelve or thirteen - into a                                                population ratio. So non-whites
                                             present.                           nightmare world of sexual abuse,                                                    should be committing approximately
                                               “Then he tells her he loves her. If   rape, beatings, drug addiction and                                             9% of any given crime, because that
                                             she consents to sex he uses her for   prostitution. Some of these perverts                                             was their proportion of the population   Stephen Lawrence gives the racist
                                             himself for a couple of weeks, then   are recently arrived ‘asylum seekers’,                                           at the time. However, out of the total   ‘Black Power’ salute. Fifteen years
                                             one evening all his mates pile in   others come from settled immigrant                                                 of 178 killings, 142 saw white victims   after he was killed by a single stab
                                             unannounced and gang rape her.     communities and were born in                                                        slain by BME assailants, while 36   wound to the chest, he remains a
                                             They know that many of the girls will   Britain.                                                                       involved the liberal stereotype white   household name
                                             be too ashamed to tell anyone, and                                                  The average racist murderer in     racist/coloured victim.
                                             they also threaten to cut them if they   But what all the Muslim sex gangs          Britain is 40 times more likely to be a
                                             ‘grass’.                           have in common - on top of their                 member of an ethnic minority than a   BME (Black Minority Ethnic) killers
                                               “Girls who won’t go with one of   religion, with its low status for women         native Brit! This is the shocking fact   targeting white victims were thus
                                             them take a bit more work. They are   - is that they never target girls from        that emerges from the methodology   responsible for a staggering 79% of
                                             encouraged to try roll-ups or a joint.   their own community. The vast              of a study of racist murder in Britain   traceable racist homicides in the UK
                                             What they don’t know is that, after   majority of the victims are white,            by the Institute for Race Relations.  between 1999 and 2006. This is an
                                             they’ve had a few of them, they’ll be   although Sikh, Hindu and West                                                  over-representation by a factor of
                                             given one with crack (cocaine) in it.   Indian girls are also targeted.             The IRR studied racial murder      forty.
                                             Once they’re addicted, they’re given                                                between the 1999 publication of the
                                             drugs in exchange for sex. Once the   This deliberate preying on girls from         McPherson Report into the highly   So non-whites are forty times more
                                             gang are tired of her, they put her on   other communities - together with the      publicised stabbing of Stephen     likely to be committing racial murders
                Only The BNP                 the game. They take all the money -   refusal of Muslim leaders to condemn          Lawrence and August 2006. Forty    against white people on a per capita   Kriss Donald. The 15-year-old
                                             all she wants by then is another shot   what is going on - show that these          five killings were identified in the   basis than the other way round.   victim of the most brutal racist
                Speak Out
                                             of smack or crack. Imagine what it   campaigns of sexual abuse are                  report which was featured heavily in   White victims are over-represented to   murder in British history, just four
                About                        feels like to see your daughter in that   racist. They would never do it to their   the broadcast media, made the front   the same degree. That’s the truth -   years ago. Kidnapped, beaten,
                Grooming                     state.”                            own girls. The British National Party            page of The Guardian, and was      but don't expect to read it in the   tortured, mutilated, stabbed
                                                                                has been campaigning to expose this              covered by all the main newspapers.  newspapers, because it’s too     thirteen times and set on fire for
                                                  - Mother of fourteen-year-old    scandal of racist paedophilia since                                              Politically Incorrect to handle!   the ‘crime’ of being Scottish when
                                                         drug addict, Bradford  worried parents first asked for our              White Civil Rights activists were                                     a group of Muslim thugs were out
                                                                                help back in 2004.                               disgusted to find that the IRR                                        “looking for a white boy to kill.”
                                                                                                                                 researchers had exaggerated their                                     Who outside of his native Glasgow
                                                                                Since then we have warned the                    case by including as victims of ‘white                                has even heard of him?
                                                                                police about Muslim paedophile                   racism’ a number of victims of black-
                                                                                gangs operating all over the country.            on-black violence or crimes with no                                   You needn’t take our word for it!
                                                                                In response to pressure from the                 known perpetrator at all.          The full report on this scandal, and   Google “Stephen Lawrence” and
                                                                                BNP and from groups of parents, the                                                 a list of all the indigenous victims,   “Kriss Donald” and compare the
                                                                                authorities have made a few arrests,             They therefore removed from the    including the sample shown on the   national press coverage received
                                                                                but all too often the police and the             figures the obvious phonies,       centre pages of this brochure, can   by the two murders. Why should
                                                                                media turn a blind eye to the scandal            producing an accurate figure of 36   be found at      your life be worth less than that of
                                                                                and the suffering.                               BME victims. The Institute for Race   racismcutsbothways              someone from an ethnic minority?

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