Page 6 - Racism Cuts Both Ways
P. 6

Have Your Say
                                                                      You’re Not Alone!

                                                                    Fighting For Justice

                                             Ethnic minorities living in Britain have   YOUNG BNP                                 Teach the politicians who have
                                             literally thousands of organisations -
                                             all too often financed with majority          The BNP youth wing is
                                             taxpayers’ money - standing up for    Y NP    open to all the young                                                  ignored you a lesson...
                                             them. This is part of the reason that   B     people who are not
                                             they get treated so much better than          eligible to join any of the
                                             the indigenous people like us - it’s the   thousands of organisations that exist
                                             squeaky hinge that gets the oil!   for the members of ethnic minorities.
                                             Fortunately though, you don’t have to   If you are aged between 14 and 24
                                             suffer in silence any more. Together   and interested in political activity,         Next year EVERYONE in Britain can vote BNP in the Euro Elections
                                             we are building up a powerful political   outdoor activities or just making new
                                             organisation dedicated to standing up   friends, then there’s a place for you in
                                             for the rights of you and your friends   the YBNP.
                                             and family. The ‘Silent Majority’ is at
                                             last finding its voice.

                                             So if you have been affected by any   BNPtv
                                             of the issues raised in this brochure,
                                             help is now just a mouse click or a
                                                                                                    The most
                                             phone call away. Whatever injustice
                                                                                                    popular party
         “Some people are surprised that     you, your family or friends are                        political
         I’m a councillor at my age, but I get   suffering because of the failed multi-  website in Britain also has the most
         things done for them and that       cult, you can do something about it
         makes all the difference. It’s so   today just by getting in touch.    advanced multi-media section,
         satisfying when a constituent                                          including a VideoBox which you can
         thanks you for sorting something    The British National Party is the only   use to express your concerns and to
         out - you feel ten feet tall!”                                         expose anti-white racism in your                  You Can Make A Difference
          - BNP Councillor Lewis Allsebrook,   political party which rejects political   community.
          Derbyshire. Below BNP Councillor   correctness and the multi-cult, stands
                     Emma Colgate, Essex.    up for the interests of the indigenous
                                             majority against racism,
                                             discrimination and official neglect.
                                             Every nation on the planet has the   GREAT WHITE RECORDS
                BNP                          right to rule itself and preserve its                                               Stand up against anti-white racism
                                             own culture and identity - and that                  Love Britain?
                                             includes the native peoples of Britain.              Hate injustice?
                Stand Up For                                                                                                                                   by joining thousands like you...
                                                                                                  Want to get it
                Your Rights                  Electing BNP councillors is the single               off your chest
                                             most effective way to fight for your   with music but sick of the Politically
                                             rights. Having pro-British voices in   Correct or anti-white rubbish
                                             the council chamber makes it far   produced by so many ‘artists’ on
                                             harder for the institutionally anti-white   mainstream record labels? Great
                                             Lib-Dem, Conservative and Labour   White Records was set up to provide
                                             parties to push their racist agenda   recording and distribution facilities for
                                             through and promote their multi-cult   patriotic artists who would be shut out
                                             ‘Project’ at our expense. Being a   by other companies. Great White’s
                                             good councillor takes a lot of energy   professionally produced albums don’t
                                             but it is very rewarding. Some British   pull any punches, so if you or your
                                             National Party councillors are among   friends have something worth saying         Join the British National Party... TODAY!
                                             the youngest in the country; if you   about your lives in music, get a demo
                                             think you might have what it takes, do   sent in now!
                                                                                                                                                            0871 050 0236
                                             get in touch.

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