Page 32 - 104 Lost Food Items
P. 32
104 Lost Foods Items That Can Be Used For Survival
90. Dumplings
At their simplest, dumplings are just flour and fat made into balls and cooked.
That makes them cheap. If you’re trying to keep a family well fed on a tight
budget, make lots of dumplings and add them to soups and stews. They add
weight to any meal, and turn a bowl of soup into a satisfying dinner.
91. Cornmeal Mush
Mix cornmeal and broth (or water if you don’t have broth) at a 1:2 ratio. Once
it’s thoroughly mixed, put it in a loaf pan and let it chill overnight. Then cut
thick slices and fry them in bacon grease, turning them to get both sides brown
and crispy.
92. Mud Apples
Want a hot dessert, but all you have is apples? Coat them in a layer of thick mod
then lay them in the embers of your fire and leave them there for 45 minutes.
Then break off the hard mud shell and spoon the cooked apple out of its skin.
93. Glazed Turnips
Cut turnips into half-inch cubes. Melt some butter in a skillet, add the turnips
and cook them for five minutes. Sprinkle them with salt and sugar and give them
another five minutes. This is both filling and tasty.