Page 18 - The Book of Lost Energy
P. 18
The Book of Lost Energy
Boosting Bone Health Pre And Post-Menopausal Period
Menopause is part of being a woman. This is the stage when a woman stops having
menstrual periods for 12 months. This is also the time when the function of the
ovaries decreases. While the process of menopause does not happen overnight, it
is a gradual process thus there are different stages such as perimenopause (pre-
menopause) and post-menopause.
It is not only the reproduction that is affected by menopause but even bone density.
Because the hormone estrogen decreases at this stage, the bones also become
smaller and thinner making it possible for the bone to be brittle over time. During
the menopausal period, women lose about 30% of their bone tissues. While this is
inevitable, you don’t have to take everything as they are. Below are tips on how you
can strengthen your bones during the different stages of menopause.
Pre-Menopause Plan to Improve Bone Health
There is a common belief that you need to strengthen your bones between your
twenties and thirties so that you will have a better bone density once you get older.
There is a truth to this belief. In fact, it should be your priority to make your bone
healthy when you were younger. This can be done by eating a healthy and balanced
diet as well as maintaining a healthy weight all throughout your life. But if you
haven’t prioritized your bone health when you were younger, you can still do it by
eating healthy and taking in supplements.
Another thing that you can do is to build strong muscles by doing weight lifting or
doing a lot of physical activities. Make sure that you get at least 30 minutes of
physical activity to make your bones stronger and denser.