Page 6 - The Book of Lost Energy
P. 6

The Book of Lost Energy

               Understanding the Aging Body

               As our bodies age, there are so many things that also change. This is the reason

               why there are certain things that you can do so well before and now you can barely
               do it. Activities like climbing a tree or going up a flight of stairs without running

               out of breath seems like an impossible feat to some.

               It is important to take note that how our body ages largely depend not only on our
               genetics but on other factors such as our environment, diet, and lifestyle in general.

               So, what happens to the body once we age?  Every part, organ, tissue, and cell in

               our body is affected by age.  Know that some of the changes may be applicable to

               you while some may not be, it all depends on your current state of health.

               Moreover,  it  is  crucial  to  understand  these  changes  so  that  you  know  what  is

               normal  and  what  is  not  for  your  age.  As  well  as  help  you  know  what  kind  of

               preventive steps to take to improve your overall health. This chapter will discuss

               how the different parts of our bodies are affected by age over time.


               As you age, the skin loses its elasticity and it becomes more wrinkled and lined

               overtime. Moreover, the growth of the fingernail also starts slowing down while

               the  oil  glands  produce  less  oil  thereby  making  your  skin  drier  than  usual.

               Combating the aging of the skin can be done by applying adequate amounts of
               moisturizer and sunscreen to avoid skin damage such as sunburn. Wearing sun-

               protective clothing such as hats, caps, or UV-proofed clothing can also help protect

               the aging skin.

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