Page 19 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 19

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

            Aspen (249), Red Alder (250-251), Sassafras (254-      (126-127), Red Mulberry (252),  Reishi (273-275),
            255), Thyme (140-141)                                  Spanish Moss (202) , Turkey Tail (275-276), Wa-
                                                                   ter Plantain (284), Wild Violets (142-143)
                                                                ❖  Circulation, Increased/Vasodilator: Angel-
        Heart and Circulatory System                               ica (154-156), Boneset (50-51), Butterbur (166-
        ❖  Anemia:  Dandelion (68-70), Greater Burdock             167), Cayenne Pepper (289-290), Garlic (80-81),
            (83-85), Hardy Kiwi (238-239), Lamb’s Quarter          Greater Burdock (83-85), Kudzu (183-184),
            (93-94), Leeks (96-97), Stinging Nettle (135-136)      Prickly Pear Cactus (121-122), Red Clover (126-
        ❖  Angina: Anise Hyssop (46-47), Hawthorn (239-            127), Reishi (273-275), Rosemary (128-129),
            241)                                                   Stinging Nettle (135-136), Turmeric (295-296)
        ❖  Blood Pressure, High: American Basswood              ❖  Clotting: Agrimony (44-45), Amaranthus Cauda-
            (215-216), Black Walnut (226-227), Borage (51-         tus (152), Bilberry (221-223), Cattails (279-280),
            52), Cat’s Claw (169-170), Chives (63-64), Diato-      Cayenne Pepper (289-290), Common Lungwort
            maceous Earth (292), Evening Primrose (75-77),         (105-105), Cranberry (235-236), Hardy Kiwi (238-
            False Hellebore (174-175), Garlic (80-81), Hardy       239), Kudzu (183-184), Leeks (96-97), Lion’s
            Kiwi (238-239), Hawthorn (239-241), Honey              Mane (270-271), Mugwort (190-191), Red Clover
            (294-295), Kudzu (183-184), Lady’s Thumb (92),         (126-127), Red Root (198-199), Saw Palmetto
            Lavender (94-96), Leeks (96-97), Lemon Balm            (256), Usnea (277-278), Wooly Lamb’s Ear (149-
            (98-99), Mugwort (190-191), Red Raspberry (197),       150), Yarrow (150-151)
            Red Root (198-199), St. John’s Wort (133-135),      ❖  Heart Attack: Bilberry (221-223), Black Walnut
            Sugar Maple (258-259), Sweet Marjoram (137-            (226-227), California Buckwheat (167-168),
            138), Turkey Tail (275-276), Turmeric (295-296),       Chives (63-64), Cocoplum (280-281), Hardy Kiwi
            Valerian Root (141-142), Water Plantain (284)          (238-239), Hawthorn (239-241), Lion's Mane
        ❖  Blood Pressure, Low: Blue Cohosh (165-166),             (281-284), Oregano (116-117), Turmeric (295-
            Goldenrod (81-83), Goldenseal (179-180), Rose-         296),
            mary (128-129), Turmeric (295-296),                 ❖  Heart Disease: American Basswood (215-216),
        ❖  Blood Purification: Chickweed (61-62), Devil’s          Black Walnut (226-227), Cat’s Claw (169-170),
            Club (236-237), Feverfew (78-79), Meadow Rue           Cinnamon (291), Chives (63-64), Cranberry (235-
            (109), Yarrow (150-151)                                236), Epsom Salts (292-293), Hawthorn (239-
        ❖  Blood Thinner: Red Clover (126-127), Sweet              241), Hops (88-89), Juniper (244), Lady’s Thumb
            Grass (137), Wild Violets (142-143), Turmeric          (92), Leeks (96-97), Lion’s Mane (270-271), Milk
            (295-296),                                             Thistle (110-111), Prickly Pear Cactus (121-122),
        ❖  Blood Coagulant: Agrimony (44-45), Cattails             Red Clover (126-127), Red Mulberry (252), Sugar
            (279-280), Cayenne Pepper (289-290), Common            Maple (258-259)
            Lungwort (105-106), Yarrow (150-151)                ❖  Irregular Heartbeat: American Basswood (215-
        ❖  Cardiac Insufficiency: Stinging Nettle (135-            216), Hawthorn (239-241), Reishi (273-275)
            136)                                                ❖  Myocardial Ischemia: Kudzu (183-184)
        ❖  Cholesterol, Elevated: Amaranthus Caudatus           ❖  Nosebleeds: Amaranthus Caudatus (152), Sting-
            (152), American Basswood (215-216), Black Wal-         ing Nettle (135-136), Yarrow (150-151)
            nut (226-227), Cascara Sagrada (229-231), Cinna-    ❖  Phlebitis: Heartleaf Arnica (156-157)
            mon (291), Chives (63-64), Cocoplum (280-281),      ❖  Pulse Rate, Lowering: False Hellebore (174-
            Cranberry (235-236), Dandelion (68-70), Diato-         175), Valerian Root (141-142)
            maceous Earth (292), Evening Primrose (75-77),      ❖  Tonic, Heart: American Basswood (215-216),
            Flax (66-67), Garlic (80-81), Hardy Kiwi (238-         Bottle Gourd (53), Burning Bush (229), Cayenne
            239), Hawthorn (239-241), Honey (294-295),             Pepper (289-290), Mormon Tea (111-112), Solo-
            Leeks (96-97), Milk Thistle (110-111), Prickly Pear    mon’s Seal (200-202), Sugar Maple (258-259),
            Cactus (121-122), Purslane (125-126), Red Clover

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