Page 21 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 21

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

            Witch Hazel (266-267), Yarrow (150-151), Yerba      ❖  Herpes: Anise Hyssop (46-47), Black Walnut
            Santa (213-214)                                        (226-227), Calendula (55-56), Cat’s Claw (169-
        ❖  Cholera Prevention: Potassium Permanganate              170), Chaga (268-270), Chickweed (61-62),
            (293-294)                                              Echinacea (72-73), Greater Burdock (83-85),
        ❖  Dengue Fever/ Bone Break Fever: Boneset                 Honey (294-295), Lemon Balm (98-99), Oregon
            (50-51), Cat’s Claw (169-170)                          Grape (247-248), Red Root (198-199), Reishi
        ❖  Diphtheria: Bloodroot (164-165), Cardinal               (273-275), Self-heal (122-124), Slippery Elm (257-
            Flower (169)                                           258), St. John’s Wort (133-135), Turkey Tail (275-
        ❖  E. coli: Cascara Sagrada (229-231), Chicory (62-        276), Usnea (277-278)
            63), Juniper (244), Mugwort (190-191), Reishi       ❖  Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV):
            (273-275), Usnea (277-278), Wormwood (210-             Black Walnut (226-227), Cinnamon (291), Lico-
            211)                                                   rice Root (102-103), Oregon Grape (247-248),
        ❖  Epstein Barr Virus: Cat’s Claw (169-170),               Osha (191-193), Self-heal (122-124), Turkey Tail
            Echinacea (72-73), Garlic (80-81), Lemon Balm          (275-276)
            (98-99), Oregano (116-117), St. John’s Wort (133-   ❖  HPV: Black Walnut (226-227), Cat’s Claw (169-
            135), Turkey Tail (275-276), Usnea (277-278)           170), Osha (191-193), Reishi (273-275), Turkey
        ❖  Fungal Infections (Thrush, Yeast, Athlete’s             Tail (275-276), Usnea (277-278)
            Foot, Jock Itch): Anise Hyssop (46-47), Angel-      ❖  Infections (Viral, Bacterial and Parasitic):
            ica (154-156), Arrowleaf Balsamroot (158-159),         Amaranthus Caudatus (152), Black Walnut (226-
            Black Crowberry (225), Black Walnut (226-227),         227), Boneset (50-51), Boric Acid (288-289), Cat-
            Boric Acid (288-289), Calendula (55-56), Cat’s         tails (279-280), Comfrey (64-66), Cranberry (235-
            Claw (169-170), Cattails (279-280), Cinnamon           236), Duckweed (281-282), Echinacea (72-73),
            (291), Chives (63-64), Club Moss (172-173),            Garlic (80-81), Goldenseal (179-180), Horseradish
            Drumstick Tree (220-221), Duckweed (281-282),          (89-90), Leeks (96-97), Lemon Thyme (100),
            Echinacea (72-73), Fireweed (178-179), Garlic          Osha (191-193), Potassium Permanganate (293-
            (80-81), Goldenrod (81-83), Goldenseal (179-           294), Self-heal (122-124), Sheep Sorrel (131-132),
            180), Greater Burdock (83-85), Horsetail (181-         Turkey Tail (275-276), Usnea (277-278), Western
            182), Jewelweed (185-186), Juniper (244), Lady’s       Red Cedar (259-261), White Mustard (144-145),
            Thumb (92), Leeks (96-97), Lemon Balm (98-99),         Wild Ginger (206-207), Wild Rose (264-265)
            Lemon Thyme (100), Listerine (293), Mugwort         ❖  Laryngitis: American Basswood (215-216), Cali-
            (190-191), Oregano (116-117), Oregon Grape (247-       fornia Buckwheat (167-168), Coltsfoot (173-174),
            248), Potassium Permanganate (293-294), Purs-          Fennel (77-78), Goldenrod (81-83), Lavender (94-
            lane (125-126), Reishi (273-275), Rosemary (128-       96), Lungwort Lichen (272-273), Mormon Tea
            129), Usnea (277-278), Chicory (62-63), Western        (111-112), Mullein (114-115)
            Red Cedar (259-261), White Mustard (144-145),       ❖  Lymphatic System: Calendula (55-56), Cleavers
            Wild Teasel (146-148), Wormwood (210-211), Yar-        (171-172), Greater Burdock (83-85), Red Root
            row (150-151)                                          (198-199), Watercress (282-283), Wild Violets
        ❖  Gonorrhea: Balsam Fir (217-219), Bearberry              (142-143)
            (159-160), Couch Grass (67-68), False Unicorn       ❖  Lyme Disease: Cat’s Claw (169-170), Garlic (80-
            Root (177-178), Juniper (244) Mormon Tea (111-         81), Reishi (273-275), Wild Teasel (146-148),
            112), Pipsissewa (195-196), Saw Palmetto (256)         Wormwood (210-211)
        ❖  H1N1/Swine flu: Oregon Grape (247-248)               ❖  Malaria: Boneset (50-51), Burning Bush (229),
        ❖  Haemophilus influenzae: Cranberry (235-                 Chicory (62-63), Club Moss (172-173), Dogwood
            236)                                                   (238), Hawthorn (239-241), Turkey Tail (275-
        ❖  Helicobacter pylori: Cascara Sagrada (229-              276), Wormwood (210-211)
            231), Cranberry (235-236), Lion’s Mane (270-271)    ❖  Measles: Cleavers (171-172), Honey Locust (241-
                                                                   242), Kudzu (183-184), Yarrow (150-151)

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