Page 23 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 23
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies
Liver, Gallbladder, and Spleen ❖ Hormone Balance: Ash (216-217), False Uni-
corn Root (177-178), Flax (66-67), Sage (130-131)
❖ Detoxification of Liver: Calendula (55-56),
Chokecherry (232-233), Dandelion (68-70), Dock ❖ Impotence: Ash (216-217), False Unicorn Root
(177-178), Saw Palmetto (256)
(71-72), Greater Burdock (83-85), Hops (88-89), ❖ Nocturnal Emissions: False Unicorn Root
Lemon Balm (98-99), Milk Thistle (110-111), Mug-
wort (190-191), Oregon Grape (247-248), Pipsis- (177-178), Sage (130-131)
sewa (195-196), Self-heal (122-124), St. John’s ❖ Premature Ejaculation: Sage (130-131), Solo-
mon’s Seal (200-202)
Wort (133-135), Stinging Nettle (135-136), Wild
Rose (264-265), Wooly Lamb’s Ear (149-150) ❖ Swollen Prostate and Prostate Cancer: Cab-
❖ Fatty Liver: Chicory (62-63), Chokecherry (232- bage (54-55), Cleavers (171-172), Couch Grass (67-
233), Dandelion (68-70), Milk Thistle (110-111), 68), Flax (66-67), Leeks (96-97), Milk Thistle
Oregon Grape (247-248), Water Plantain (284) (110-111), Reishi (273-275), Saw Palmetto (256)
❖ Gallbladder, Liver, Spleen Stimulation: ❖ Sexual Potency: Ash (216-217), Rhodiola Rosea
Cascara Sagrada (229-231), Chicory (62-63), Dan- (199-200), Saw Palmetto (256)
delion (68-70), Dock (71-72), Oregon Grape (247- ❖ Sexual Development: Spanish Moss (202)
248), Reishi (273-275), Stinging Nettle (135-136)
❖ Gallbladder Diseases: Agrimony (44-45), Ca- Mouth, Oral and Dental
lendula (55-56), Cascara Sagrada (229-231), Chic- Issues
ory (62-63), Couch Grass (67-68), Oregon Grape
(247-248), Wild Rose (264-265) ❖ Bleeding and Swollen Gums: Aloe Vera (45-
❖ Gallstones: Cascara Sagrada (229-231), Dande- 46), Bilberry (221-223), Borage (51-52), California
lion (68-70), Maidenhair Fern (187), Milk Thistle Buckwheat (167-168), Cattails (279-280), Comfrey
(110-111), Pipsissewa (195-196), Queen Anne’s (64-66), Fennel (77-78), Lamb’s Quarter (93-94),
Lace (129-130) Plantain (119-121), Thyme (140-141), Watercress
❖ Hepatitis B: Carolina Geranium (58-59), Cat’s (282-283)
Claw (169-170), Self-heal (122-124), Water Plan- ❖ Cavities: Bloodroot (164-165), Calendula (55-56),
tain (284) Dock (71-72), Feverfew (78-79), Holy Basil (86-
❖ Hepatitis C: Chaga (268-270), Licorice Root 88), Horsetail (181-182), Thyme (140-141)
(102-103), Self-heal (122-124) ❖ Cold Sores: Anise Hyssop (46-47), Balsam Fir
❖ Jaundice: Ash (216-217), Chicory (62-63), Couch (217-219), Black Walnut (226-227), Calendula
Grass (67-68), Dandelion (68-70), Duckweed (55-56), Devil’s Club (236-237), Echinacea (72-
(281-282), Garlic (80-81), Hops (88-89), Self-heal 73), Flax (66-67), Greater Burdock (83-85),
(122-124), Wild Teasel (146-148) Lemon Balm (98-99), Red Root (198-199), Self-
❖ Liver Damage: Dandelion (68-70), Evening heal (122-124), Slippery Elm (257-258), St. John’s
Primrose (75-77), Milk Thistle (110-111) Wort (133-135), Turkey Tail (275-276), Usnea
❖ Liver Problems: Chicory (62-63), Dandelion (277-278)
(68-70), Evening Primrose (75-77), Peppermint ❖ Gingivitis: Bilberry (221-223), Bloodroot (164-
(118-119), Pipsissewa (195-196), Self-heal (122- 165), Calendula (55-56), Thyme (140-141), Wild
124), Water Plantain (284) Ginger (206-207)
❖ Torpid Liver: Agrimony (44-45), Burning Bush ❖ Halitosis: Dill (70-71), Feverfew (78-79), Rose-
(229) mary (128-129), Watercress (282-283), Yerba
Santa (213-214)
❖ Mouthwash: Aloe Vera (45-46), Calendula (55-
Male Issues 56), California Buckwheat (167-168), Rosemary
❖ Erectile Dysfunction: American Ginseng (153- (128-129), Thyme (140-141), Watercress (282-
154), Ash (216-217), False Unicorn Root (177-178), 283), Wild Ginger (206-207), Yerba Santa (213-
Saw Palmetto (256) 214)