Page 27 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 27

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

            Sugar Maple (258-259), Sweet Marjoram (137-            Lemon Thyme (100), Lemon Verbena (101-102),
            138), Turkey Tail (275-276), Water Plantain            Lungwort Lichen (272-273), Maidenhair Fern
            (284), Wild Ginger (206-207)                           (187), Marshmallow (107-108), Oxeye Daisy (117-
                                                                   118), Quaking Aspen (249), Reishi (273-275), St.
                                                                   John’s Wort (133-135), Sweet Grass (137), Sweet
        Respiratory Issues and Lungs                               Grass (137), Usnea (277-278), White Mustard

        ❖  Asthma: Angelica (154-156), Bloodroot (164-             (144-145), White Pine (261-262), Yarrow (150-
            165), Butterbur (166-167), Chamomile (59-60),          151)
            Coltsfoot (173-174), Comfrey (64-66), Common        ❖  Cough: American Basswood (215-216), Angelica
            Lungwort (105-106), Cranberry (235-236),               (154-156), Arrowleaf Balsamroot (158-159), Bal-
            Echinacea (72-73), Elecampane (74-75), Evening         sam Fir (217-219), Balsam Poplar (219-220), But-
            Primrose (75-77), Holy Basil (86-88), Hops (88-        terbur (166-167), California Buckwheat (167-168),
            89), Lavender (94-96), Lemon Thyme (100), Lo-          Coltsfoot (173-174), Comfrey (64-66), Devil’s Club
            belia Inflata (184-185), Lungwort Lichen (272-         (236-237), False Solomon’s Seal (176-177), Flax
            273), Marshmallow (107-108), Mormon Tea (111-          (66-67), Greater Burdock (83-85), Honey Locust
            112), Mugwort (190-191), Mullein (114-115), Ore-       (241-242), Lavender (94-96), Licorice Root (102-
            gano (116-117), Osha (191-193), Oxeye Daisy (117-      103), Mallow (106-107), Oxeye Daisy (117-118),
            118), Purslane (125-126), Reishi (273-275), Salal      Quaking Aspen (249), Red Root (198-199), Salal
            (253-254), Self-heal (122-124), Stinging Nettle        (253-254), Saw Palmetto (256), Slippery Elm
            (135-136), Thorn Apple (138-140), Western Skunk        (257-258), Sugar Maple (258-259), Sweet Grass
            Cabbage (285-286), Wild Rose (264-265), Yerba          (137), Thorn Apple (138-140), Thyme (140-141),
            Santa (213-214)                                        White Pine (261-262), White Sage (263), Wild Vi-
        ❖  Bronchitis: Anise Hyssop (46-47), Angelica              olets (142-143), Witch Hazel (266-267)
            (154-156), Balsam Fir (217-219), Balsam Poplar      ❖  Emphysema: Butterbur (166-167), Chaparral
            (219-220), Bloodroot (164-165), Boneset (50-51),       (231-232), Coltsfoot (173-174), Ginger (211-212),
            Cardinal Flower (169), Chamomile (59-                  Mallow (106-107), Mormon Tea (111-112), Mullein
            60),  Chokecherry (232-233), Coltsfoot (173-174),      (114-115), St. John’s Wort (133-135)
            Common Lungwort (105-106), Devil’s Club (236-       ❖  Expectorant/Mucus – Arrowleaf Balsamroot
            237), Echinacea (72-73), Elecampane (74-75),           (158-159), Balsam Poplar (219-220), Bloodroot
            Garlic (80-81), Holy Basil (86-88), Horsetail (181-    (164-165), Blue and Black Elderberry (227-229),
            182), Lavender (94-96), Lemon Verbena (101-            Boneset (50-51), Cardinal Flower (169), Chaparral
            102), Lobelia Inflata (184-185), Lungwort Lichen       (231-232), Coltsfoot (173-174), Cottonwood (233-
            (272-273), Maidenhair Fern (187), Mallow (106-         234), Evening Primrose (75-77), Elecampane (74-
            107), Marshmallow (107-108), Mormon Tea (111-          75), Fennel (77-78), Horseradish (89-90), Lobelia
            112), Mullein (114-115), Osha (191-193), Pipsis-       Inflata (184-185), Lovage (104-105), Lungwort Li-
            sewa (195-196), Red Root (198-199), Slippery Elm       chen (272-273), Maidenhair Fern (187), Marsh-
            (257-258), Sugar Maple (258-259), Sweet Grass          mallow (107-108), Mullein (114-115), Osha (191-
            (137), Thyme (140-141), Usnea (277-278), West-         193), Plantain (119-121), Red Root (198-199), Saw
            ern Skunk Cabbage (285-286), White Mustard             Palmetto (256), Solomon’s Seal (200-202), St.
            (144-145), Wild Rose (264-265)                         John’s Wort (133-135), Sugar Maple (258-259),
        ❖  Congestion:  Anise Hyssop (46-47), Arrowleaf            Thyme (140-141), Watercress (282-283), Western
            Balsamroot (158-159), Bee Balm (161), Bilberry         Skunk Cabbage (285-286), White Pine (261-262),
            (221-223), Boneset (50-51), Chamomile (59-60),         Wild Violets (142-143), Witch Hazel (266-267),
            Club Moss (172-173), Coltsfoot (173-174), Comfrey      Yerba Santa (213-214)
            (64-66), False Solomon’s Seal (176-177), Fireweed   ❖  Inflammation of Respiratory Tract: Balsam
            (178-179), Flax (66-67), Garlic (80-81), Goldenrod     Poplar (219-220), Chaparral (231-232), Club Moss
            (81-83), Horsetail (181-182),  Lavender (94-96),       (172-173), Goldenseal (179-180), Juniper (244),

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