Page 31 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 31
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies
115), Oregon Grape (247-248), Osha (191-193), (181-182) Juniper (244), Lavender (94-96), Leeks
Oxeye Daisy (117-118), Plantain (119-121), Potas- (96-97), Lovage (104-105), Maidenhair Fern
sium Permanganate (293-294), Quaking Aspen (187), Mallow (106-107), Marshmallow (107-108),
(249), Red Elderberry (251), Red Raspberry (197), Oregon Grape (247-248),Plantain (119-121), Pul-
Red Root (198-199), Sage (130-131), Salal (253- satilla (124-125), Red Mulberry (252), Reishi
254), Sassafras (254-255), Self-heal (122-124), (273-275), Saw Palmetto (256), Sheep Sorrel (131-
Slippery Elm (257-258), St. John’s Wort (133- 132), Slippery Elm (257-258), Usnea (277-278)
135), Stinging Nettle (135-136), Stone Root (203),
Thorn Apple (138-140), Turmeric (295-296), Us- Whole Body
nea (277-278), Western Skunk Cabbage (285-
286), White Mustard (144-145), White Pine (261- ❖ Adaptogens: American Ginseng (153-154), Cat’s
262), Wild Strawberries (207-208), Wild Teasel Claw (169-170) Chaga (268-270), Devil’s Club
(146-148), Witch Hazel (266-267), Wooly Lamb’s (236-237), Reishi (273-275), Rhodiola Rosea
Ear (149-150) (199-200)
❖ Altitude Sickness: Osha (191-193), Reishi (273-
275), Wild Ginger (206-207)
Poisons ❖ Anti-Oxidant: American Ginseng (153-154), Bil-
❖ Inducing Vomiting: Activated Charcoal (287), berry (221-223), Black Crowberry (225), Borage
Lobelia Inflata (184-185), Unicorn Root (204- (51-52), Bottle Gourd (53), Cat’s Claw (169-170),
205) Cattails (279-280), Cinnamon (291), Chaga (268-
❖ Mushrooms: Activated Charcoal (287), Milk 270), Chaparral (231-232), Cocoplum (280-281),
Thistle (110-111) Common Lungwort (105-106), Cottonwood (233-
❖ Poison Ingestion: Activated Charcoal (287), Lo- 234), Cranberry (235-236), Dandelion (68-70),
belia Inflata (184-185), Unicorn Root (204-205), Flax (66-67), Goldenrod (81-83), Hardy Kiwi
White Mustard (144-145) (238-239), Hawthorn (239-241), Horsetail (181-
182), Juniper (244), Leeks (96-97), Lemon Balm
(98-99), Lion's Mane (281-284), Lungwort Lichen
Urinary Tract (272-273), Maidenhair Fern (187), Milk Thistle
❖ Cystitis: Bearberry (159-160), Birch (223-224), (110-111), Moringa (246-247), Oregano (116-117),
Chaparral (231-232), Common Lungwort (105- Plantain (119-121), Purslane (125-126), Reishi
106), Couch Grass (67-68), Feverfew (78- (273-275), Rosemary (128-129), Salal (253-254),
79), Henbane (85-86), Juniper (244), Lavender Skullcap (132-133), Sugar Maple (258-259),
(94-96), Marshmallow (107-108), Plantain (119- Thyme (140-141), Turkey Tail (275-276), Turmeric
121), Red Mulberry (252), Slippery Elm (257-258), (295-296), Western Red Cedar (259-261), Wild
Water Plantain (284), Wild Rose (264-266) Ginger (206-207), Wild Rose (264-265), Wild Vi-
❖ Irritable Bladder: Henbane (85-86), Hops (88- olets (142-143)
89), Juniper (244), Salal (253-254) ❖ Detoxification: Activated Charcoal (287), Amer-
❖ Obstructions: Cleavers (171-172), Meadow Rue ican Ginseng (153-154), Bilberry (221-223), Calen-
(109) dula (55-56), Cat’s Claw (169-170), Chickweed
❖ Urinary Tract Infections: Bearberry (159- (61-62), Chives (63-64), Chokecherry (232-233),
160), Bilberry (221-223), Cattails (279-280), Cleavers (171-172), Common Lungwort (105-106),
Chaparral (231-232), Cleavers (171-172), Club Dandelion (68-70), Diatomaceous Earth (292),
Moss (172-173), Common Lungwort (105-106), Dock (71-72), Duckweed (281-282), Epsom Salts
Couch Grass (67-68), Cranberry (235-236), Dan- (292-293), Fennel (77-78), Goldenseal (179-180),
delion (68-70), Duckweed (281-282), Echinacea Greater Burdock (83-85), Holy Basil (86-88),
(72-73), Fennel (77-78), Goldenrod (81-83), Gold- Leeks (96-97), Meadow Rue (109), Mugwort (190-
enseal (179-180), Horseradish (89-90), Horsetail 191), Osha (191-193), Oxeye Daisy (117-118), Sheep