Page 36 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 36

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

        Encapsulating Powdered Herbs

        If you go to the health food store to buy herbs, you’ll   Capsule Filling Machines
        often find them offered in powdered form, encapsu-
        lated. This is a convenient way to store and use herbs,   For a slightly more efficient operation, you can buy a
        especially if you are using them with people who are    simple capsule-filling machine. These are available in
        unaccustomed to taking herbal remedies.                 50 or 100 capsule sizes and must be bought to match
                                                                the size capsules you are using. The machine consists
        There are two ways of encapsulating your herbs, but to   of several plates, which have holes to hold the capsule
        start you need to turn the herbs into powder. This is   halves and a base.
        most easily done by grinding them in a food processor
        or electric coffee mill. If you want to go for a more tra-  Separate the capsules, putting the two parts into sepa-
        ditional method or are trying to encapsulate them dur-  rate bowls. The thinner, longer part goes into the base
        ing a time when there is no electrical power, use a mor-  plate  on  the  machine.  There  is  a  funnel-like  device
                                                                used to fill this plate. Simply place the funnel over the
        tar and pestle.
                                                                base plate and pour a quantity of the capsule halves
        If you are going to make any sort of herbal mix, you’ll   onto it. Shake the machine, until the capsule halves fall
        need a scale to measure out your various herbs. Be sure   into the holes in the plate, ready to be filled. The same
        to mix the powdered herbs well, so that your capsules   basic operation is done with the top plate.
        all have the same herbal concentration.
                                                                The part of the capsules that is in the bottom plate is
        Capsules come in three sizes; “0,” “00” and “000.”                        the part being filled. Pour a quan-
        They can be filled by hand or with                                             tity  of  the  powdered  herbs
        the aid of a simple filling ma-                                               onto  this  plate  and  move  it
        chine.                                                                        around  with  the  supplied

        The    least   expensive                                                      scraper,  allowing  it  to  fill  the
        method is to fill them by                                                   capsules. Once filled, remove any
        hand.  To  start,  put  the                                               extra powder by scraping it off.
        powder  in  an  oversized  bowl.                                      To close the now-filled capsules, place
        Open  the  capsules  individually  by                                 the top plate over the bottom one. The
        hand,  and  scoop  up  the  powder  in  both                            machine  will  have  aligning  pins  to
        sides of the capsule, trying to get them reasonably                      ensure  that  the  two  halves  of  the
        full. Then push the sides of the capsule together. The   capsules are aligned. Then push down on the plates,
        powder will compress as the capsule slides closed.      several times, seating the capsules. Remove your fin-

        This is a very boring and time-consuming operation,     ished capsules and put them in a jar for storage.
        although effective. You might want some company or
        some assistance while doing this task.

        Herbal Water Infusions: Cold and Hot Methods

        Tea  and  coffee  are  both  infusions;  usually  hot  infu-  The typical means of hot infusing herbs is to make a tea
        sions. Cold versions of these drinks are often still in-  out  of  it.  Herbal  teas  can  be  made  from  individual
        fused hot, and then chilled in the refrigerator or with   herbs, but it is more common to use a mixture of herbs
        ice; however it is possible to make cold infused coffee   that work well to treat the condition you are seeking to
        and tea; the process is just slower. This cold-infusion   heal.
        process takes time.
                                                                The advantage of hot infusion over cold is that it often
        The properties of the herbs are simply extracted from   extracts  more  of  the  essential  ingredients  from  the
        the leaves or beans into the water. This same process   plant tissue. The heat breaks down cell walls, creating
        can be used with just about any herb.                   a stronger infusion. On the other hand, a hot infusion
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