Page 35 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 35

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

        Many people know flower identification; but when the    If  you  are harvesting  leaves  you  will usually cut  off
        plants are not in flower, they can’t identify them. Con-  small  branches,  making  it  easier  to  dry  them.  For
        sidering how short the flowering season is for most     flowers, wait until they develop fully and harvest them
        plants, that severely limits the amount of time for har-  as soon as possible after they have fully opened. If you
        vest.                                                   are harvesting only the seeds, you’ll need to wait until
                                                                the seeds mature and the seed pod dries on the stem
        Before even thinking about harvesting herbs, it is nec-
        essary to understand how the herb will be used; spe-    before harvesting. We give harvesting instructions for
        cifically, what part of the plant will be used for medic-  almost every herb in this book.
        inal purposes. Never assume that the whole plant car-   If you are cutting part of a stem, such as harvesting
        ries  the same chemical compounds.  Often,  only the    stinging nettle, be sure to leave at least a few inches of
        leaves or the flower will provide what you need; but in   leafy stem, with at least two sets of leaves on it, so that
        some cases, it will be the bark of a tree or a piece of   the plant doesn’t die. Always cut right above the point
        root that you will need to harvest.                     where the leaves are. With many plants, like basil, you
                                                                can cut the plant down to a third its original size with-
        It is best to harvest herbs early in the day, after the
        dew has gone, but before the hot sun can dry out the    out killing it. Always reseed, replant, and tend the wild
        essential  oils.  Whenever  possible,  avoid  harvesting   when possible. Harvest ethically and with great care.
        the whole plant, unless it is a plant that needs to be
        collected whole.

        How to Dry Herbs

        Traditionally, herbs are air-dried without the use of
        any additional heat source. Bundle them together by
        tying the stems with string or a rubber band and hang
        in a warm, dry place. It is usually easiest to hang them
        upside-down by the bundled stems to dry.

        Drying racks may be used for individuals who are dry-
        ing a lot of herbs or doing so regularly. But you can
        accomplish the same thing by hanging them from a
        coat hanger, a nail in the wall or on a curtain rod over
        the  window.  I  often  spread  flowers  or  leaves  on  a
        cookie sheet or pizza pan and let them dry.             allowing the entire batch to dry evenly. To avoid sing-
                                                                ing or burning the herbs you are drying, you’ll need to
        If you are collecting the seeds, tie a paper bag over the   use the lowest possible temperature. I have used this
        bundled stems and hang them. The bag will catch the     method successfully many times. If using a dehydra-
        seeds as the seed pods dry and they fall out.           tor, it is very important to keep a close eye on your

        Drying in this manner can take as long as three weeks   herbs so that you don’t leave them to dry too long.
        (though is often accomplished much faster) depend-      Once dried, remove the leaves from the stems. In the
        ing on the plant and its moisture content.              case of smaller leaves,  you  can strip them from the
        If  you  are  drying  something  that  dries  extremely   stem by lightly pinching the stem between your thumb
        slowly, like rosemary, it is easier to strip the leaves off   and forefinger and running it down the stem, from top
        of the stems and spread them on a drying rack, as the   to bottom.
        coating of the leaves will hold in the moisture. They   However,  in  the  case  of  larger  leaves  with  thicker
        need to be fully dry before storing.                    stems, you will need to cut or pinch them off individ-
        It is possible to dry herbs with a dehydrator if you have   ually, cutting the stems as near the leaf as possible.
        one of the better ones that has temperature control.    Store your dried herbs in sealed glass jars until you are
        Ideally, it should have a fan to circulate the warm air,   ready to use them.

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