Page 26 - Lost Book Remedies
P. 26
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies
❖ Hypnotic: Henbane (85-86), Pulsatilla (124-125) ❖ Restlessness: Lemon Balm (98-99), Parrot’s
❖ Insomnia: Agrimony (44-45), American Bass- Beak (193-194), Reishi (273-275), St.
wood (215-216), Black Cohosh (162), Chamomile John’s Wort (133-135), Wild Lettuce (145-146)
(59-60), Drumstick Tree (220-221), Hardy Kiwi ❖ Schizophrenia: California Poppy (57-58), Pulsa-
(238-239), Hops (88-89), Lemon Balm (98-99), tilla (124-125)
Lion’s Mane (270-271), Motherwort (112-114), ❖ Sciatica: Cayenne Pepper (289-290), Pepper-
Moringa (246-247), Mugwort (190-191), Parrot’s mint (118-119), St. John’s Wort (133-135), Sting-
Beak (193-194), Partridgeberry (194-195), Pulsa- ing Nettle (135-136), Wintergreen (209-210)
tilla (124-125), Reishi (273-275), Skullcap (132- ❖ Sedatives: American Basswood (215-216), Black
133), St. John’s Wort (133-135), Valerian Root Cohosh (162), Bleeding Heart (163-164), Califor-
(141-142), Wild Lettuce (145-146) nia Poppy (57-58), Chicory (62-63), Hops (88-
❖ Memory Loss: American Ginseng (153-154), 89), Lavender (94-96), Parrot’s Beak (193-194),
Ashwagandha (47-48), Bottle Gourd (53), Cran- Partridgeberry (194-195), Saw Palmetto (256),
berry (235-236), Lemon Balm (98-99), Lion's Solomon’s Seal (200-202), Unicorn Root (204-
Mane (281-284), Rhodiola Rosea (199-200), 205), Wild Lettuce (145-146), Yellow Jessamine
Rosemary (128-129), Sage (130-131), Spanish (211-212)
Moss (202) , Turmeric (295-296) ❖ Seizures: See Epilepsy
❖ Myasthenia Gravis: Reishi (273-275) ❖ Stress: American Ginseng (153-154), Ashwagan-
❖ Multiple Sclerosis, see Immune System dha (47-48), Borage (51-52), Chaga (268-270),
❖ Nerve Pain: American Basswood (215-216), An- Epsom Salts (292-293), Holy Basil (86-88), Lav-
gelica (154-156), Bleeding Heart (163-164), Cay- ender (94-96), Lemon Balm (98-99), Lemon Ver-
enne Pepper (289-290), Chickweed (61-62), Even- bena (101-102), Lion’s Mane (270-271), Parrot’s
ing Primrose (75-77), Henbane (85-86), Lavender Beak (193-194), Reishi (273-275), Rhodiola Rosea
(94-96), Peppermint (118-119), St. John’s Wort (199-200), Skullcap (132-133), Stone Root (203),
(133-135), Stinging Nettle (135-136) Sugar Maple (258-259), Sweet Marjoram (137-
❖ Neuralgia: Henbane (85-86), Peppermint (118- 138)
119), St. John’s Wort (133-135) ❖ Stroke: Bilberry (221-223), Cocoplum (280-281),
❖ Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour: St. John’s Lion’s Mane (270-271), Oregano (116-117), Moth-
Wort (133-135), Valerian Root (141-142) erwort (112-114)
❖ Pain Relievers: Aloe Vera (45-46), Black Crow-
berry (225), Bleeding Heart (163-164), California Pancreas
Buckwheat (167-168), Cattails (279-280), Chicory
(62-63), Comfrey (64-66), Cottonwood (233-234), ❖ Diabetes: Aloe Vera (45-46), Amaranthus Cau-
Devil’s Club (236-237), Feverfew (78-79), datus (152), American Ginseng (153-154), Bilberry
Heartleaf Arnica (156-157), Henbane (85-86), (221-223), Bottle Gourd (53), Cabbage (54-55),
Holy Basil (86-88), Unicorn Root (204-205), Wild Cascara Sagrada (229-231), Cayenne Pepper (289-
Lettuce (145-146), Wild Yam (208-209), Winter- 290), Cinnamon (291), Chicory (62-63), Drum-
green (209-210), Yarrow (150-151) stick Tree (220-221), Elecampane (74-75), Even-
❖ Panic Attacks: Pulsatilla (124-125), Reishi (273- ing Primrose (75-77), Garlic (80-81), Goldenseal
275), Valerian Root (141-142) (179-180), Greater Burdock (83-85), Horse Chest-
❖ Parkinson’s Disease: Ashwagandha (47-48), nut (242-243), Horsetail (181-182), Kudzu (183-
Cinnamon (291), Flax (66-67), Lion’s Mane (270- 184), Leeks (96-97), Lemon Balm (98-99), Lion's
271), Red Mulberry (252), Skullcap (132-133), Mane (281-284), Milk Thistle (110-111), Pipsis-
Thorn Apple (138-140) sewa (195-196), Plantain (119-121), Prickly Pear
❖ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Cactus (121-122), Purslane (125-126), Red Mul-
California Poppy (57-58), Rhodiola Rosea (199- berry (252), Reishi (273-275), Self-heal (122-124),
200) Sheep Sorrel (131-132), Spanish Moss (202) ,