Page 173 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 173
154 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
Instructions for MMS1 Douche
The following instructions assume one knows how to do a
douche. If not, please sufficiently educate yourself on the
process before following this protocol.
Step 1
q You will need a 2 cup/500 ml douche bag. You can use
a larger douche bag, but it is not necessary to use more
than 2 cups/500 ml of water.
q Prepare your solution. Start out with 5 drops of MMS1
to the 2 cups/500 ml of purified, distilled or reverse
osmosis water. Like the enema, 4% HCl, is the
preferred activator acid to use with a douche, although
citric acid 50% can be used. It is best to warm the
water for the douche to body temperature.
q When doing the douche let water flow in until it starts
to run out again, then close the flow. (The tube with
your douche bag usually comes with a clamp for
opening and closing the water flow.)
q Squeeze the pelvic/vaginal muscles to hold it in as long
as possible, and then release. Repeat this process until
the bag is empty.
Step 2
q If you have no adverse reactions, then increase the
amount of drops of MMS1 for the next douche.
q The next time add 10 activated drops to the water you
pour into the douche bag, and keep increasing up to
30 drops as long as there is no pain or problem, but
do not use more than 30 drops. Increase to this
amount slowly.