Page 39 - Fear Unmasked Flipbook
P. 39
W H O I s A CTUA lly AT R I s k?
headline, then you would assume that children are
incredibly susceptible to the virus. This misleading
headline would absolutely convince you that yes, we
should shut down the entire economy and “save the
kids!” But if you actually take the time to read it, you
will see that the article talks about how this girl first
contracted pneumonia, and then got coronavirus.
Additionally, it goes on to say “Out of 731 confirmed
and 1,412 suspected cases of COVID-19 in children
in China, one child, a 14-year-old boy, died.” If you
take the time to watch the video, you will see that it
clearly communicates that children do not need to
worry about this virus.
Amongst all of the fear-inciting, speculated
(and proven) misconstrued facts, and overblown
headlines, there is one that sticks out the most. In
China, only 0.2 percent of the total deaths from the
coronavirus were children. Experts agree, a low
number of kids with the coronavirus are actually
dying, in comparison to the seasonal flu (although
numbers vary strain by strain, year by year).
144 pediatric deaths were reported to the CDC
from flu vulnerability this season of 2019-2020.
Maybe, we SHOULD all go ahead and shut down
life and our economy ten months out of the twelve
months each during to avoid our children getting the
flu, or anything bad happening to them ever. Anyone