Page 29 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 29

The A   n   es    B  na    n  H  h  28

                       “You look quite strong… sir… How come you

               haven’t broken out yet and stolen the boat?” Bernard

               questioned timidly.

                       “Been waitin’ for the perfect moment and the

               perfect crew…”

                       Hugh’s voice broke the silence. “If you’re

               suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, I will not be

               associated with it!”

                       “If you ain’t associated with it you’ll be left ‘ere

               on this ship to rot.” He said this in a way that made it a

               final statement with no replies afterward. “I’ve been

               puttin’ my plan in action since I got onto this wretched

               ship. I’ve been gaining the trust of the captain until I’m a

               high-ranked member of the crew, then I’ll stab him in the

               back and steal the ship. It’s an old trick I learned on my

               most recent voyage on the Dirty Oar.”
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