Page 38 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 38

The A   n   es    B  na    n  H  h  37

                         The Fateful Demise of Joey Tysone

                             As Told By Sir Tators Jones

                       The rain began to pick up. The tap-tap-tap on the

               board was blotted out by the intense sound of water

               gushing onto the lower decks. Despite all of the

               pandemonium going on all around them, Hugh was only

               focused on one thing: the loaded flintlock inches away

               from his forehead.

                       “Ya’ really think you could trust a man plannin’

               for mutiny from the beginning?” Taunted Joey.

                       Hugh was frozen in place. He knew since the

               encounter with the pirates that something terrible was

               going to happen, but he did not expect it to happen to

               himself. He then heard the screams of most of the other

               pirates who fell overboard as the boat began to shake

               from side to side. They evidently could not swim. To
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