Page 5 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 5

The A   n   es    B  na    n  H  h  4

                       “That’s no monster! That’s a man!” replied a man

               named Bernard, known as Bernard Nitwit around town.

                       Now to be clear, the woman was half right in

               calling the man a monster. He was a short, beer-bellied

               bartender who owned a bawbling tavern on his boat,

               which was large enough to house at least fifty men. He

               had a pointy, orange beard, and was constantly reeking

               of whiskey, which was suiting, as his name was Al

               Cohal. He was rather like the town menace, but he was

               always too drunk to cause any real harm. It did not help

               his reputation that he was filthy rich.

                       “WELL GO IN THERE AND HELP HIM FOR

               PITY’S SAKE!” she replied.

                       Then, out of the blue, a gurgled voice with a

               heavy Irish accent broke the tension. “For pete’s sake

               won’t somebody help me?”
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