Page 6 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 6

The A   n   es    B  na    n  H  h  5

                       At this point, quite a large crowd had gathered.

                       “Well, I guess I have no choice,” Bernard thought

               to himself, shortly before he dove headfirst into the

               murky disgusting water that people took the pleasure of

               dumping their waste into.

                       Bernard grappled Al by the wrist and dragged

               him to the shore, where Al got on his knees and coughed

               and said, “Well! It took ya’ long enough yu’ nitwit!”

                       “That’s not my name sir! And I believe a ‘Thank

               you’ would be fit!” replied Bernard.

                       “Well ya’ sure acted like one, takin’ half ma’

               lifetime to take me outa’ that water!”

                       “At least call me by my name!” said Bernard.

                       “Bernard Nitwit will have tu’ do,” said Al. “Well,

               I guess I owe yu’ a drink. Come up to ma’ boat tavern.”
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