Page 35 - Herioter 2021
P. 35

P5 pupils


                  coats of


                  As part of our Famous Scots topic, P5E learnt
                  about the Battle of Bannockburn. We learnt that
                  during the battle each side had a coat of arms to
                  help them identify their men on the battlefield.
                  We designed our own coat of arms by choosing
                  the colours, symbols and shapes that best
                  represented us.
                                                                          Alexander Males (P5)                 Angus Polson (P5)

                                            Gia Vinu (P5)                  Maisie Coulson (P5)                   Archie Neil (P5)

                                                                               P2 pupils worked hard to perfect their rainbow treble clefs in music lessons

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