Page 33 - Herioter 2021
P. 33

And then, in the final days of November – just   the loss of music speakers in their common
                  as it seemed we may be turning a corner – S5   room (let alone the entry limits), had something
                  pupils arriving at school on a Friday morning were   to get excited about as universities started
                  told to leave the campus before they had even   offering places for courses that would commence
                  reached their registration rooms, after three pupils   when the world had hopefully regained some
                  contracted the disease.            semblance of what-it-used-to-be.
                    It was an extraordinary sight – students who   November was hard – perhaps the hardest
                  had (supposedly) Higher prelims in a month-  month we would experience in 2020. It was
                  and-a-half literally being told to go away – but   emotional and exhausting. Darkness fell early,
                  the news caused barely a ripple with onlookers:   marking stacked up, the flicker of dread preceded
                  it was just another extraordinary moment in an   the checking of a phone or inbox.
                  extraordinary year. Passing teachers met the news   It was an achievement to just keep going, to
                  with a rueful shake of the head, wondering – yet   just keep moving forward, to remember that there
                  again – how could it have come to this?  would be better days – eventually.
                    It was for these reasons that things could not   In years to come, we will look back on this
                  be ‘normal’. A glance at the November pages   month with wonder that we made it through, and
                  of the 2020 Herioter confirmed the absence of   admire the resilience that pupils and staff had to
                  anything resembling business-as-usual. Junior   show.
                  School Music Festival – postponed. Senior School   Gratitude was also never more important,
                  play – cancelled. A trip for S6 artists to Jupiter   with the Junior School’s Learning Enhancement
                  Artland – cancelled. Sporting fixtures – cancelled.   Department taking a lead in reminding pupils of
                  A talk to English Higher pupils by Christopher   just that.
                  Brookmyre – cancelled. An MUN competition at   The outcome was an eye-catching ‘Gratitude
                  North Berwick High School – cancelled. And it is   Wall’ display featuring dozens of responses, some
                  this list – and I could go on – that provided the   of which are highlighted in the main image (right)
                  greatest sadness for pupils. ‘Cancelled’ is perhaps   and the bank of images below.
                  the wrong word; the prospect of these events   Heriot’s, too, always has a way of surprising   has championed mental health awareness and
                  was simply not entertained. S3 Activities Week,   you, of lifting you up. Just hours after S5 had   the school has been recognised for everything
                  scheduled for June 2021, was abandoned too,   been sent home, it was revealed that the school   from environmental awareness, rights awareness,
                  parents and pupils were told.      had been named the Sunday Times ‘Scottish   internationalism and the embedding of
                    Young people come to Heriot’s to learn –   Independent School of the Decade’ by Parent   philosophy in the curriculum from nursery
                  but learning is so much more than sitting in   Power, The Sunday Times Schools Guide. Praising   onwards.
                  a classroom. To not play in that fixture, or to   the school, Alastair McCall, editor of Parent Power,   ‘Pupils achieve exceptional standards across all
                  not feature in that concert or play, or to not   said: ‘George Heriot’s has ranked outside the top   walks of school life and leave ready to take their
                  represent your school in a competition – those are   three independent schools in Scotland just twice   place in the world and make an impact on it.’
                  experiences that are lost forever.  in the past decade, a measure of the consistent   It was a ray-of-light reminder – even in the
                    That is not to say we did not carry on in the   academic success that children achieve there.   midst of a pandemic – why we exist and why we
                  best way we could – and as happily and positively   However, the school is about much more than just   continue to matter. It is a reminder, too, that our
                  as possible. Singing restarted and with windows   excellent grades.   efforts, and the effort that personified November,
                  thrown open to encourage air flow, the sound of   ‘Its charitable foundation ensures a significant   matter more than the words in this introduction
                  Junior School pupils belting out Christmas songs   number of pupils study fee-free and the school’s   could ever convey.
                  seemed to be the soundtrack to a wet and wild   values of “work hard, be kind, be happy” permeate
                  November. Sixth year pupils, still bemoaning   the fabric of the place. Principal Lesley Franklin   Mr Jonny Muir

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